From A Flaming Chalice To An Aging Condom - The Brand Spanking New Religious Symbol Of Unitarian*Universalism aka The U*U Movement

The Unitarian*Universalist Association Of Congregations aka the UUA officially announced today that it is changing its "corporate identity" religious symbol from The Flaming Chalice to The Aging Condom because it more accurately reflects The U*U Movement's religious stance, to say nothing of its aging demographic. . .

An aging condom allows for wishful thinking aka false hopes for growth, halts reproduction*, destroys the next generation*, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives U*Us a false sense of security while U*Us are actually being screwed.

To my fellow U*Unitarians, it really doesn't get much more accurate than this.

This cheap shot that U*Us can believe in has been plagU*Urized from Ozdach's appropriately entitled 'Dangerous Common Sense' blog. :-)

*If it actually works. . .
