The Atheist Bus Campaign *And* The Unitarian Church Of Montreal Get Reflected In The Montreal Mirror aka The Less Than Magic Bus That Takes Me To U*Us

Oh dear. . .

It would appear that "less than lucky" Montreal Unitarian U*Us, at least the ones that belong to the obstinately "less than lucky" Church of the Tarnished Image aka *the* Unitarian Church of Montreal, will yet again see their hypocritical U*U butts reflected in the Montreal Mirror alternative weekly newspaper this week. Here is my letter to the editor regarding the Montreal edition of the Atheist Bus Campaign that was published in the Montreal Mirror newspaper this Thor's Day -

God on the bus

[Re: “Keep God off busses,” Letters, Feb. 19]

Ed Hoyer’s letter objecting to the Atheist Bus advertising campaign reveals its delicious irony. In advertising the alleged non-existence of God, less than bright “Brights” are actually raising consciousness to God. Doh!

Ed Hoyer strikes me as possibly being someone who can’t stand to see the word God, even in the context of an atheist-sponsored advertising campaign somewhat lamely suggesting that God *probably* does not exist. It is ridiculous for Hoyer to suggest that believers might burn buses and trains in response to this comparatively innocuous anti-religious slogan. It’s not like believers have lost a Stanley Cup playoff game or anything.

I have peacefully protested against genuine “fundamentalist atheist” anti-religious intolerance and bigotry in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal and I have seen Montreal Muslims peacefully protesting against those problematic depictions of Mohammed in Scandinavian cartoons. I have no problem at all with the Atheist Bus advertising campaign coming to Montreal. In fact, I look forward to it, as it will provoke discussion about God. Who would have thought that evangelical militant atheists would ever give God free publicity?

Robin Edgar
