A Reality Check For Peacebang aka Rev. Victoria Weinstein And U*Us U*U World-Wide

Filed In Peacebang Persona. . .

Waiter, Peacebang will have her reality check, please!

U*Urthlings®, just a brief momento to say that PeaceBang seems terribly unaware of her unbecoming conduct. She seems terribly unaware that many U*U churches are hurting from her "less than virtual" virtU*Ual reality and that her friends and parishioners, her Significant Others, family members and neighbors are getting red faces, taking cuts in reputation aka tarnished images, or generally up nights worrying about how to make Peacebang come to her senses, how to pray for sanity, or how to stop worrying and learn to love The Emerson Avenger.

Despite these realities, *this* blog is determined to stay fun *and* fairly serious in that it will continue to focus on exposing and denouncing U*U injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy, even if that includes humorously plagU*Urizing and otherwise parodying Peacebang and other "less than excellent" U*U ministers. Not Financial Tips (unless it is to write about such things as they relate to UUA Financial Problems, Clergy Misconduct and/or Anti-Religious Bigotry and/or Anti-Republican Intolerance and/or Well U*Us Get The Idea. . . No?), not Theological Reflections About The Current Crisis, and not about Saving Your Big Fat U*U Ass When One U*U Minister Is Very Happily Unbecoming In His And/Or Her Conduct.

The Emerson Avenger figures that U*Us can get those features elsewhere and in the meantime he will remain focused on his mission here, which is the de*fucked*up*ization of "The U*U Movement" aka *The* Tiny Declining Fringe Religion aka The UnReligion®.

Hang tough, U*Us.

Kiss of Death*,

The Emerson Avenger


* Paranoid or otherwise "worried" Unitarian*Universalist U*Us need not worry about a *real* kiss of death involving firearms, or any other item that may be reasonably defined as a weapon (with the possible exception of the proverbial pen in the form of my "obsolete" but none-the-less awesomely powerful X86 Pentium computer), from The Emerson Avenger. I am just figuratively "killing" two or more U*U bird*brains with one figurative "stone" here. Most notably by mocking Peacebang's Beauty Tips For Ministers and the dU*Ubious 'Weapons Policy' of the Franklin Unitarian*Universalist Fellowship, although there are a couple of other things that I can think of as well.
