Don't Get Angry Get Even The Personal Philosophy Of The Emerson Avenger aka The Emerson Evener Explained To U*Us U*U World-wide. . .

The following "rant" is a comment that I just submitted to the Watching the Anger blog post on Rev. James Ishmael Ford's "less than perfect" but really quite excellent 'Monkey Mind' blog. I am cross-posting it here not because I am "worried" that Rev. Ford will suppress this comment, because I am *really* quite confident that he will not do so, but simply because the truth and meaning of the information contained in this comment might help some people to better understand The Emerson Avenger aka The Emerson Evener and thus learn to love the bumb. ;-) It also goes a long way to explaining what just happened with the two previous blog posts. . .
In that *some* pagans believe in The Rule Of Three aka The Threefold Law of Return* ever so "conservative" U*U Pagan AssHat Joel Monka most likely still has yet another U*U thing coming. . . :-)

Herewith my quite even-tempered and erudite "rant" -

Believe it or not, and I know that *some* people will find this hard to believe, I very rarely get angry Rev. Ford. I am *really* very even tempered, besides being reasonably erudite of course, as Montreal Mirror report "George Maddox" attests in this archived Mirror article that touches upon how I go about getting even. . . Something you are reasonably familiar with yourself I have reasonable grounds believe. ;-)

People who know me personally know that even on those rare occasions when I do get angry, I rarely express my anger, and, on those even rarer occasions when I do express my anger, it is usually expressed in a controlled manner. I don't think I have ever been "in a rage", or had a bona fide tantrum, certainly not in the last thirty years or more. I long ago learned to control and/or channel my anger but I honestly rarely even feel angry even though I am sure *some* people imagine me seething away behind my computer screen when I am in Emerson Avenger mode. :-)

I think there's a fair bit of wisdom in the saying -

"Don't get angry. Get even."

This saying can connotate obtaining vengeance of course but I *usually* interpret it in the sense of obtaining justice and *equity* aka fairness aka evenness in one way or another, even if it is not quite the kind of justice and equity you would prefer. You know how I "got even" with you not so long ago and look where we are today. I would say that we are on pretty good terms wouldn't you? So don't get angry, get even, even in creative and hopefully constructive ways whenever and wherever you can.

Best Regards,

Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Evener ;-)

* U*Us, Pagan U*Us or otherwise, can learn more about The Rule of Three aka The Law of Threefold Return here.
