Rev. Matt Tittle Is A Staunch Defender Of Freedom Of Speech?!! Coulda FU*Uled Me. . .

Rev. Matt Tittle, the once and former minister of Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church in Houston, is "a staunch defender of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and academic freedom", according to the 'Liberty University Dehumanizes Homosexuals' post of his apparently soon to be defunct 'Keep The Faith' blog.

This of course explains why Rev. Dr. Matt Tittle has suppressed virtually every single comment that I have submitted to his "moderated" aka *censored* Houston Chronicle hosted 'Keep The Faith' blog in the last few years.

Rev. Matt Tittle can keep his Big Fat U*U Bad Faith AFA*I*AC. . .

A true staunch defender of freedom of speech would not have suppressed my legitimate critical comments, and a genuine defender of freedom of religion would have long ago spoken out against the anti-religious intolerance and bigotry that I and too many other God believing people have been subjected to by intolerant and abusive "fundamentalist atheist" Humanists within The U*U Movement aka Unitarian*Universalism.
