An Ash Wednesday Message For Unitarian*Universalist Men And Women

The following is a comment that I submitted to Boston Unitarian's 'the power of self-recovery' blog post yesterday. I guess that it was a bit *too* hot for Boston Unitarian to handle and he committed the sin of ommission of not publishing this particular comment for U*U eyes to see. The Emerson Avenger graciously forgives Boston Unitarian for that sin of ommission but feels that this critical comment is a quite appropriate one for Ash Wednesday -

"Repentance rescues the man from sin to holiness, from earth to heaven."

I've heard that it works reasonably well with women too Boston Unitarian. Indeed I know of some U*U women who would benefit from a little repentance, maybe even a lot of repentance. . .

I find it very sad how so few U*Us, including U*U clergy (if not especially U*U clergy), seem to be ready, willing, or indeed able to bring themselves to confess to their various sins of commission and sins of ommission, take personal responsibility for their questionable actions, or indeed negligent inaction. . . and move towards wholeness if not holiness. Surely U*U principles and ideals call for repentance as part and parcel of justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
