Self Forgiveness Or Sociopathy? *That* Is That Question For Unitarian*Universalist U*Us Today

Just saying as they say. . .

Here is the first part of the comment that I just submitted to Patrick Murfin's *reflection* on self-forgiveness -

Doesn't what you have done or not done go a long way to defining who you are Patrick? Quite frankly I find the Unitarian*Universalist proclivity towards "self-forgiveness" to be quite disturbing, especially when U*Us forgive themselves for various sins of commission and sins of omission that they refuse to take personal responsibility for, and to seek forgiveness of the people who they have harmed with their sins of commission and sins of omission. I see very little difference between self-serving U*U "self-forgiveness" and the utter consciencelessness of sociopathy. . .


Agnes said…
I'm sorry Robin, I'm rather fascinated by some of the things you say here, and I was amazed to find the statement "what you have done or not done" here. That is part of the confession of sin that is found in the Book of Common Prayer that the Episcopalians use. Their confession says that all of them have sinned against God in what they have done and what they have left undone.

Are you already familiar with that text?

Do Unitarians actually believe in God? How do they (those who are not Rev. Victoria) feel about Jesus Christ?

Sorry if I'm asking too many questions.

Peace of Christ
Robin Edgar said…
There is no need to apologize Agnes. The more questions the merrier AFA*I*AC. Of course some U*Us will not be very pleased with my very honest answers to your questions. . . I am quite aware of the type of confession that you speak of if not that particular one.

Some Unitarians do believe in God but many do not. In fact there is a faction of outright anti-religious "fundamentalist atheists" amongst Unitarian Universalist Humanists. Some of these anti-religious atheist U*Us are even ordained as U*U clergy. This is certainly true of Rev. Ray Drennan whose anti-religious intolerance and bigotry is one of the "root causes" of this blog. . . I find that even amongst those Unitarian Universalists who do claim to believe in God there are few that take God very seriously and atheist/agnostic U*Us confuse the issue further by using "God talk". What U*Us feel about Jesus is all over the map, perhaps even more so than what U*Us believe about God. I can only suggest that you enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of what U*Us believe about God and Jesus by examining a wide variety of different U*U sources.
Agnes said…
Very interesting. It seems very strange, that there should be "fundamentalist atheists" but I suppose it takes all kinds to make a world.

I will have to think about this.