
Showing posts from November, 2010

The Emerson Avenger Enjoys Yet Another Police Free Protest Against U*U Injustices Abuses And Hypocrisy In Front Of The Unitarian Church Of Montreal

Yet Another Unitarian*Universalist Liar Calls In Yet Another Big Fat U*U False Alarm To The Montreal Police Force And. . .

Timothy D. Wells aka The U*U Strangler Is Sentenced To 16 Years To Life For Pridefully And Purposefully Strangling His Wife To Death

If Timothy D. Wells Strangled His Wife To Death. . .

Rev. Susan Frederick Gray And UUA President Rev. Peter Morales Are Guilty Of Stalking Sheriff Joe Arpaio And Maricopa County Police Officers. . .

Did The Unitarian Church Of Montreal Overplay Its Hand By Calling In One Too Many False Alarms To The City of Montréal Police Service In N.D.G.?

The Eastern Regional Conference Of Canadian Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us And U*U DIM Thinking - What's The Connection?

L'Église Unitarienne de Montréal Fait Non Seulment Des Bêtises Mais Aussi Des Niaiseries. . .

Lighting A Guy Fawkes Day Bonfire Under The Hypocritical U*U Asses Of Montreal Unitarian Universalist Liars And Slanderers. . .

Lighting A Guy Fawkes Day Bonfire Under The Hypoc