Rev. Susan Frederick Gray And UUA President Rev. Peter Morales Are Guilty Of Stalking Sheriff Joe Arpaio And Maricopa County Police Officers. . .
But don't take my word for it U*Us.
Take the word of the truly moronic "collective authorship" of the 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog, as posted to the interconnected and interdependent web of the internet in the following follow-up comment to their truly *hysterical*. . .
'If Robin Edgar Were Doing This to an Ex-Girlfriend…' blog post -
"Getting attention at any cost, under the delusion that it gives one power over the target of one’s obsession. This defines a stalker."
end quote
Do enjoy my picture perfect parody of the above wonderful blunderful *example* of demonizing and marginalizing Unitarian*Universalist Bullshit aka libelous U*U BS -
ROTFLMU*UO yet again. . .
Take the word of the truly moronic "collective authorship" of the 'Robin Edgar Sucks' blog, as posted to the interconnected and interdependent web of the internet in the following follow-up comment to their truly *hysterical*. . .
'If Robin Edgar Were Doing This to an Ex-Girlfriend…' blog post -
"Getting attention at any cost, under the delusion that it gives one power over the target of one’s obsession. This defines a stalker."
end quote
Do enjoy my picture perfect parody of the above wonderful blunderful *example* of demonizing and marginalizing Unitarian*Universalist Bullshit aka libelous U*U BS -
ROTFLMU*UO yet again. . .