Yet Another Unitarian*Universalist Liar Calls In Yet Another Big Fat U*U False Alarm To The Montreal Police Force And. . .
The Emerson Avenger, dreaded scourge of the U*U World, subsequently enjoyed yet another police free protest in front the Unitarian Church of Montreal aka The Church Of The Tarnished Image earlier today.
That's right U*Us. . .
Last night as I was protesting against diverse U*U injustices and abuses in front of the so-called Unitarian Church Of Montreal while it was holding its annual Bid Nite fund raising event, an SPVM squad car from Station 11 showed up as a result of a yet another complaint called in by *someone* at the Unitarian Church of Montreal. The upshot of the whole police intervention last night is that a woman has *falsely* alleged that I had pushed her and has stuck to her Big Fat U*U Story aka U*U BS to the point of filing an actual formal complaint against me. The only problem with this U*U woman's *story* is that it would be filed under the heading *fiction* if it was a book. . . The fact of the matter is that I had no physical contact whatsoever with any human being during my protest last night except for shaking the hand of the very polite and professional Montreal police officer who had questioned me while his female partner was inside the Unitarian Church of Montreal dealing with the female complainant.
I made it clear to both of these Station 11 police officers that I had not had any altercation with any woman during my Bid Nite protest and had certainly not pushed anyone. The only other living being that I had any physical contact with during my protest last night was a beautiful and very friendly Golden Retriever dog who flopped on the sidewalk in front of me as its owner was walking it and got a good belly rub from the Big Bad Wolf known as The Emerson Avenger. . .
Why was I not surprised that Station 11 police did not show up at all when I protested in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal today?
Not only prior to the church service as people were entering this alleged Unitarian church but also following the service as people were exiting the church from about 11:30 a.m. onwards. It will be very interesting to see if the remarkably foolish Montreal Unitarian U*U who filed this totally bogus criminal complaint against me takes it any further than it went last night which, truth be told. . . was already a few steps too far. I have very reasonable grounds to believe that Station 11 police are starting to realize that Montreal Unitarians have been feeding them a line of bullshit for quite some time now, and that they are no longer willing to swallow this U*U BS hook, line and sinker as they quite regrettably have done in the past.
In any case, the Montreal police force apparently stood on the side of *love* for The Emerson Avenger, to say nothing of the civil rights and liberties enshrined in the Canadian constitution aka the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, by not showing up at all during the several hours that I protested in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal today. For the record the two Station 11 police officers who I dealt with during last night's totally unnecessary police intervention were amongst the most polite and professional Montreal police officers who I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with during the whole course of this conflict. They were certainly a very refreshing change from the overly aggressive, "less than polite", to say nothing of "less than professional". . . Station 11 police officers who I had the distinct displeasure of dealing with this spring. With any luck Station 11 police officers are finally beginning to see the light, to say nothing of the Big Fat U*U Lies that *some* Montreal Unitarian*Universalist U*Us have been telling to them for quite some time now. . .
That's right U*Us. . .
Last night as I was protesting against diverse U*U injustices and abuses in front of the so-called Unitarian Church Of Montreal while it was holding its annual Bid Nite fund raising event, an SPVM squad car from Station 11 showed up as a result of a yet another complaint called in by *someone* at the Unitarian Church of Montreal. The upshot of the whole police intervention last night is that a woman has *falsely* alleged that I had pushed her and has stuck to her Big Fat U*U Story aka U*U BS to the point of filing an actual formal complaint against me. The only problem with this U*U woman's *story* is that it would be filed under the heading *fiction* if it was a book. . . The fact of the matter is that I had no physical contact whatsoever with any human being during my protest last night except for shaking the hand of the very polite and professional Montreal police officer who had questioned me while his female partner was inside the Unitarian Church of Montreal dealing with the female complainant.
I made it clear to both of these Station 11 police officers that I had not had any altercation with any woman during my Bid Nite protest and had certainly not pushed anyone. The only other living being that I had any physical contact with during my protest last night was a beautiful and very friendly Golden Retriever dog who flopped on the sidewalk in front of me as its owner was walking it and got a good belly rub from the Big Bad Wolf known as The Emerson Avenger. . .
Why was I not surprised that Station 11 police did not show up at all when I protested in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal today?
Not only prior to the church service as people were entering this alleged Unitarian church but also following the service as people were exiting the church from about 11:30 a.m. onwards. It will be very interesting to see if the remarkably foolish Montreal Unitarian U*U who filed this totally bogus criminal complaint against me takes it any further than it went last night which, truth be told. . . was already a few steps too far. I have very reasonable grounds to believe that Station 11 police are starting to realize that Montreal Unitarians have been feeding them a line of bullshit for quite some time now, and that they are no longer willing to swallow this U*U BS hook, line and sinker as they quite regrettably have done in the past.
In any case, the Montreal police force apparently stood on the side of *love* for The Emerson Avenger, to say nothing of the civil rights and liberties enshrined in the Canadian constitution aka the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, by not showing up at all during the several hours that I protested in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal today. For the record the two Station 11 police officers who I dealt with during last night's totally unnecessary police intervention were amongst the most polite and professional Montreal police officers who I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with during the whole course of this conflict. They were certainly a very refreshing change from the overly aggressive, "less than polite", to say nothing of "less than professional". . . Station 11 police officers who I had the distinct displeasure of dealing with this spring. With any luck Station 11 police officers are finally beginning to see the light, to say nothing of the Big Fat U*U Lies that *some* Montreal Unitarian*Universalist U*Us have been telling to them for quite some time now. . .