Another Year Another Protest. . .

I just got back from my first Unitarian Church of Montreal protest of 2011. I normally make a point of protesting on the first Sunday of the New Year (or the last Sunday of the "Old Year" if it falls on the last few days of December) but, for various reasons, decided to break with tradition this year. Tonight was another fundraising concert at the Unitarian Church of Montreal and I often protest during such events because they normally attract non-Unitarian members of the public. Tonight was no exception and, unlike some concerts held at the Unitarian Church of Montreal, this one was very well attended by members of the non-U*U public, including quite a few twenty something people who were most probably university students. This unusually high number of students showing up for a classical concert at the Unitarian Church of Montreal might have *something* to do with the fact that students were granted free admission rather than a reduced ticket price.

Can U*Us say "recruiting"?

Police from Station 12 showed up and, after some discussion, did not prevent me from protesting. In fact the Station 12 police officer who did most of the talking during the initial police intervention expressly acknoweledged my right to protest. There *is* more than can be said about what happened with Station 12 police tonight but I will save it for later. . .

Montreal Unitarian U*U Jeremy Searle came out of the church and berated me in his usual belligerent, insulting and abusive, and quite venomous manner but since I have better things to do with my time right now I will report on Jeremy's surliness at another time.

That is all for now but AFA*I*AC the first protest of 2011 went very well indeed.
