Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein Has Preached About Incivility And The Degradation Of Civil Discourse Many Times
What a Big Fat U*U Joke. . .
In the 'In Mourning 2' blog post of her 'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog Peacebang aka *the* Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein claims to have "preached about incivility many times." Well maybe she has done just that, but all that does is prove that Rev. Dr. Weinstein is one of the Biggest Fattest U*U Hypocrites in the Big Fat U*U World. . .
I dare say that Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang has "preached" in a remarkably "less than civil" manner and has thus personally degraded civil discourse in the U*U blogosphere many times in the past. To the shame and detriment of the "tiny declining fringe religion" known as "The U*U Movement" Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's deeply insulting, outright defamatory, and otherwise verbally and psychologically abusive behavior has been all but officially approved by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations and the UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, as my email correspondence with Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Rev. Beth Miller proves beyond any reasonable doubt. . . Thankfully that Transcendentalist Super Hero known U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger was around to deliver some well deserved Big Fat U*U Retribution to the outrageously hypocritical Big Fat U*U Derrières of that duo of "less than perfect", indeed remarkably ass*inine. . . UUA administrators.
Dare I say Big Fat U*U Asshats?
Would that be "less than civil"?
Here is the slightly revised, and somewhat "less than civil", comment that I submitted to *the* Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein's 'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog earlier this morning -
"I have preached about incivility many times, about the degradation of our civil discourse, about the wickedness in our hearts."
Speak for yourself Peacebang. . .
Who the Hell are you to preach about incivility Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein aka Vicki The Impaler?
God knows that you are one of the least civil and most insulting and defamatory, indeed verbally and psychologically abusive, Big Fat U*U Ministers around. You seem to relish being known as a "bitch" by your colleagues. Speaking about "the degradation of our civil discourse" and the wickedness in corpse-cold Unitarian hearts. . .
Wasn't it you who spouted a "sodomy fantasy" luridly, indeed quite sadistically. . . imagining a U.S. state senator "anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch" on your Peacebang blog a while back?
Wasn't it you who spoke about wanting to kick a thief in the teeth on your Peacebang blog?
Wasn't it you who kicked one of your U*U youth in the U*U *hard* and not just once but twice?
Wasn't it you who hypocritically railed against Roman Catholic clergy sexual misconduct at a time when one of your own parishioners had just been convicted of forcibly raping a neighbor's daughter and "a female family member", both of whom were prepubescent girls at the time of the rapes?
I could go on but I expect that your readers will get the Big Fat U*U Picture. . .
In the 'In Mourning 2' blog post of her 'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog Peacebang aka *the* Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein claims to have "preached about incivility many times." Well maybe she has done just that, but all that does is prove that Rev. Dr. Weinstein is one of the Biggest Fattest U*U Hypocrites in the Big Fat U*U World. . .
I dare say that Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang has "preached" in a remarkably "less than civil" manner and has thus personally degraded civil discourse in the U*U blogosphere many times in the past. To the shame and detriment of the "tiny declining fringe religion" known as "The U*U Movement" Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's deeply insulting, outright defamatory, and otherwise verbally and psychologically abusive behavior has been all but officially approved by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations and the UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee, as my email correspondence with Rev. Dr. Tracey Robinson-Harris and Rev. Beth Miller proves beyond any reasonable doubt. . . Thankfully that Transcendentalist Super Hero known U*U World-wide as The Emerson Avenger was around to deliver some well deserved Big Fat U*U Retribution to the outrageously hypocritical Big Fat U*U Derrières of that duo of "less than perfect", indeed remarkably ass*inine. . . UUA administrators.
Dare I say Big Fat U*U Asshats?
Would that be "less than civil"?
Here is the slightly revised, and somewhat "less than civil", comment that I submitted to *the* Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein's 'Beauty Tips For Ministers' blog earlier this morning -
"I have preached about incivility many times, about the degradation of our civil discourse, about the wickedness in our hearts."
Speak for yourself Peacebang. . .
Who the Hell are you to preach about incivility Reverend Doctor*ed Victoria Weinstein aka Vicki The Impaler?
God knows that you are one of the least civil and most insulting and defamatory, indeed verbally and psychologically abusive, Big Fat U*U Ministers around. You seem to relish being known as a "bitch" by your colleagues. Speaking about "the degradation of our civil discourse" and the wickedness in corpse-cold Unitarian hearts. . .
Wasn't it you who spouted a "sodomy fantasy" luridly, indeed quite sadistically. . . imagining a U.S. state senator "anally impaled on the Statue of Liberty's torch" on your Peacebang blog a while back?
Wasn't it you who spoke about wanting to kick a thief in the teeth on your Peacebang blog?
Wasn't it you who kicked one of your U*U youth in the U*U *hard* and not just once but twice?
Wasn't it you who hypocritically railed against Roman Catholic clergy sexual misconduct at a time when one of your own parishioners had just been convicted of forcibly raping a neighbor's daughter and "a female family member", both of whom were prepubescent girls at the time of the rapes?
I could go on but I expect that your readers will get the Big Fat U*U Picture. . .