Anti-Theism And Unitarian Universalism - What's The Connection?

It would appear that someone from Miami Florida was just asking Google. . .

Their free and responsible Google search for -

Unitarian universalist/ Agnostic Anti-theist

Led them to my blog post titled -

Why Is The Unitarian Church Anti-Christian?

which was inspired by another person of worth and dignity asking Google -

why unitarian church is anti-christian

Forgive me for saying so U*Us. .. but it seems to me that the most likely reason why people are still running such Google searches is because anti-Christian and broader anti-theistic intolerance and bigotry continues to be a problem within the Unitarian Universalist religious community. In light of the rather shrill anti-Christian intolerance expressed by a few of those Canadian Unitarian U*Us who I encountered during my recent protest against U*U anti-religious intolerance and bigotry at the 2011 annual general meeting of the Canadian Unitarian Council in Toronto last week I would have to say that anti-Christian intolerance and bigotry, to say nothing of broader anti-theistic and anti-religious intolerance and bigotry, is still to be found amongst Canadian Unitarians.

Interestingly enough I was informed by a couple of Canadian Unitarians who had a chat with me, one of whom was the husband of U*U minister, that there had actually been some kind of workshop about this ongoing problem within The U*U Movement during the 2011 CUC AGM. They did not provide a lot of details but, according to their testimony, a (U*U?) minister who had been briefed by prominent U*U clergy about the differences between Canadian Unitarians and American Unitarian Universalists had conducted a workshop about the problem of anti-religious intolerance amongst Canadian Unitarians. According to these two Canadian Unitarians the minister who conducted this workshop was disappointed that the UUA had not allowed him to conduct a similar workshop at this year's upcoming UUA GA.
