Martin Luther King Day & The Emerson Avenger's "Alternative Spiritual Practice" Of Non-Violent Direct Action aka Peaceful Public Protest

What's the connection U*Us?

Chicagoland Unitarian Universalist Patrick Murfin has posted quite a good piece about Martin Luther King Day on his 'Heretic, Rebel, a Thing to Flout' blog titled 'What Pisses Me Off About Martin Luther King Day' that in *some* ways relates to what Unitarian Universalist clergy misconduct expert Rev. Deborah Pope-Lance once referred to as my "alternative spiritual practice" and what another respected Unitarian Universalist minister, who is very well acquainted with the UUA's negligent and effectively complicit responses to clergy misconduct, much more recently referred to as my "prophetic work".

Patrick Murfin concludes his "rant" with the following words -

"Let’s celebrate him (i.e. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) and them (i.e. thousands of other "ordinary" civil rights activists) by rededicating ourselves to standing up as they did, by putting our bodies, when necessary, on the line to achieve his true dream of an equitable and just society."

Here is how I responded to Patrick's words -

You mean like how I put my body on the proverbial "picket line" in doing the "prophetic work" of my "alternative spiritual practice"* in front of the Unitarian Church Of Montreal on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday yesterday, to say nothing of too many previous Sundays since starting my peaceful public protest against UU injustices and abuses the spring of 1998?

* Dare I say my "spiritual discipline"?

I think I do. . .
