The UUA aka Unitarian Universalist Association Of Congregations Shoots Itself In The Foot Big Time. . .
Looks like the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Congregations
rather foolishly decided to bring out the heavy artillery yesterday. . .
More about this truly moronic accusation brought against me by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, by way of a very recent legal letter aka "mis en demeure" courtesy of the UUA's Canadian attorneys Stikeman Elliott LLP Barristers & Solicitors, that I am somehow guilty of committing the "obsolete" crime of blasphemous libel for daring to publicly share my concerns about certain "less than excellent" Unitarian Universalist ministers who are in fact guilty of committing such "despicable crimes" as pedophilia and rape on The Emerson Avenger blog later. . .
Indeed U*Us U*U World-wide can look forward to seeing a good number of upcoming blog posts dedicated to dealing with this and other highly questionable accusations brought against me by the Unitarian Universalist Association in the coming days, weeks and months.
The end that the UUA desired in falsely accusing me of blasphemous libel should be obvious. The UUA wanted to intimidate me into removing blog posts about Unitarian Universalist sex offenders so as to hide pedophilia and rape committed by Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell & Richard Buell, to say nothing of other U*Us who are guilty of engaging in what the UUA's lawyer describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." The UUA's false blasphemous libel accusation is not only a shameful betrayal of Unitarian Universalism's tradition of opposing blasphemy laws, but an immoral, unethical, borderline criminal (in that a false report to the police would be an act of public mischief) and just plain foolish attempt to cover-up and deny the worst forms of UU clergy sexual abuse. It is bad enough that the Rev. Dr. Peter Morales UUA administration attempted to misuse Canada's blasphemy law to hide UU pedophilia and rape, but the UUA's obstinate refusal to formally withdraw this false accusation, publicly apologize for it, disclose the Truth about UU clergy sexual abuse, and hold UUA leaders and staff accountable for this legal bullying is a clear indication that the UUA is thoroughly corrupt.