Unitarian Universalism Is A Faith That Foolishly Attempts To Shape History. . .

by falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in an outrageously hypocritical, and stunningly hubristic, attempt to bully me into "memory holing" blog posts about Unitarian Universalist sex offenders who have been convicted of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". . .

In a brand spanking new thelivelytradition blog post entitled 'Not From Quincy....' Rev. Tom Schade has urged The Emerson Avenger to share the following James Luther Adams quotation that his colleague Rev. Josh Pawalek offered in his sermon last Sunday which was entitled '“Dealing With Our Spiritual Stuff” or “Reclaiming Our Liberal Spiritual Inheritance”'.

"A faith in the commanding, sustaining, transforming reality is one that shapes history."

For some strange reason Rev. Schade snipped the rest of that particular James Luther Adams quotation which goes on to say. . .

"Any other faith is thoroughly undependable; it is also impotent. It is NOT a faith that molds history. It is the "faith" that enables history to crush humanity."

Now *that* faith sounds a LOT more like contemporary Unitarian Universalism AFA*I*AC. . .
