Making A Silk Purse Out Of A Sow's Ear Unitarian Universalist Style. . .

It has long been said that one cannot make a silk purse of a sow's ear, however that does not seem to be preventing Andrea Reichert, the Treasurer of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, from doing her damnedest to make a silk purse out of the ear of the underfed sow known as the 2012 budget of the Unitarian Church of Montreal. . .

According to Andrea Reichert's 'Message from the Treasurer', published in the UCM's March 2013 newsletter,

"2012 ended on positive note!"

(Please note the use of the ever so positive exclamation mark. . .)

Andrea Reichert's 'Message from the Treasurer' continues as follows:

This past February 6, members of the Executive Committee and UCM administrator Verna Litwack, had an opportunity to meet with UCM’s accountant, Donna Salvati, to go over the 2012 draft of year-end numbers. The news was quite positive. (Please note the second use of the word "positive" in relation to the UCM's 2012 budget. . .)

Highlights from the 2012 budget include:

• revenues came in 2% over budget and overall expenses were down 14% from budgeted amounts;

• excess of expenditures over revenues amounted to a deficit of $96,407;

• total giving (financial commitments and pledges for the noncurrent year) was approximately $2000 lower than budgeted amounts.

According to the financial statements, overall revenues decreased by $15,000 from 2011; total expenses were down $13,500 from the previous year, with a total deficiency of $92,000. This is an increase of $8,000 from 2011.

end quote

So, according to a free and *responsible* search for the Truth and meaning of Andrea Reichert's 'Message from the Treasurer', the 2012 budget of the Unitarian Church of Montreal ended on the ever so "positive note!" of "a deficit of $96,407" that was due in part to the fact that "overall revenues decreased by $15,000 from 2011" as well as the fact that the "total giving" of Montreal Unitarians "was approximately $2000 lower than budgeted amounts".

That sounds quite "positive" to me LOL!

It never ceases to amaze me how Unitarian Universalist persons of inherent worth and dignity who ostensibly "covenant" to affirm and promote "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning" in the Fourth Principle of Unitarian Universalism can so brazenly misrepresent the Truth when it suits their purposes to do so. . .
