Is Rev. Thomas Schade Damning UUA Moderator Gini Courter With Great Praise?!!!

In a blog post entitled 'The Hundred Thousand Dollar Question' posted to the ever so interconnected web of the internet on Woden's Day May 1st, 2013, Rev. Thomas Robert Schade describes UUA Moderator Gini Courter as "an extraordinarily ambitious Moderator" who is "attempting to make the UUA Board the real leadership of the Association."

The Hundred Thousand Reichsmark Question is. . .

What possessed Rev. Tom Schade to choose the Big Fat U*U Fate of using this particular photograph of "extraordinarily ambitious" UUA Moderator Gini Courter which "captures" her with her left arm raised in a manner that is more than a little bit reminiscent of the notorious Nazi salute to illustrate his blog post about Gini Courter?

Of the dozens, and possibly even hundreds, of photographs of Gini Courter available on the internet *why* did Rev. Tom Schade select this one, which can be readily interpreted as the "extraordinarily ambitious" UUA Moderator Gini Courter doing a Nazi salute?

Just asking. . .
