Caplansky's Delicatessen Jewish Deli Menu & Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors Lawyers Eating Crow - What's The Big Fat U*U Connection?

How about this brand spanking new Canadian Lawyer & Law Times blog post about Caplansky's Jewish Deli aka Delicatessen adding an "Honest Lawyer" sandwich to its menu in honour of Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors lawyer Jeff Singer, written by Gail J. Cohen and entitled -

Taking a bite out of lawyer jokes

And this, yet to be published. . . comment that I just submitted in response to it -

You *also* know you’ve made it when American Atheist Unitarians misuse & abuse Canada's blasphemy law by falsely accusing you of the archaic crime of Blasphemous Libel for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" in "less than honest" Lance Armstrong style legal bullying that is quite evidently intended to intimidate me into "memory holing" some blog posts about "less than perfect" U*U clergy and lay people who have actually been convicted of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". Doh!

Maybe Caplansky’s next new menu could add a “Less Than Honest Lawyer” sandwich with some crow in it.

And which lawyer, you ask, could be so dishonoured with both that epithet and that "less than tasty" crow sarnie?

It's Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe. . .

Just run a Google search to see the gory details.

end quote

Herewith my "Fair Dealing" PlagU*Urized parody version of the Canadian Lawyer & Law Times blog post in question. . .

Taking A Big Fat U*U Bite Out Of Lawyer Jokes

You know you’ve made it when *someone* names a Big Fat U*U Sandwich after you.

The Honest Lawyer sandwich is like Thanksgiving on a plate.
The "Less Than Honest" Lawyer sandwich is like Eating Crow on a plate.
Caplansky’s Deli, the five-year-old downtown Toronto resto celebrating classic Jewish deli food has revamped its menu.

As part of a family that has fed Torontonians for four generations, Caplansky’s new menu pays homage to the most important people in The Emerson Avenger's life, says delimeister Zane Caplansky.

In addition to the new “Fat Vicki’s Big Fat U*U Grand Slam” named after Rev. Dr. Vicki The Impaler's Big Fat U*U Sodomy Fantasy, among other delights dedicated to "less than perfect" U*U clergy, Caplansky’s Delicatessen has introduced the “Less Than Honest Lawyer” sandwich.

And which lawyer, U*Us ask, is so dishonoured with both that epithet and a "less than tasty" sarnie?

It’s Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, a bullshitter at Stikeman Elliott LLP Bullshitters & Solicitors in Toronto and Montréal.

Caplansky says he’s doing what he can to raise the Big Fat U*U Ante of lawyer jokes by paying homage to the Unitarian Universalist Association's "less than honest" Canadian counsel.

“Marc-André Coulombe is a schmuck,” says Caplansky. “The 'Less Than Honest Lawyer' sandwich is my way of spanking him for everything he’s done for U*Us.”

It’s all Singer’s favourites on one Big Fat U*U Plate:

Open faced smoked* crow on Wry Bread with kishke aka kishka, gravy, and The Emerson Avenger's special sauce**. It’s a bit like Eating Crow on a Big Fat U*U Platter and “it would make a Big Fat U*U Mess if Maitre Coulombe spilled it all over his Big Fat U*U Lawsuit.”

* It depends upon what the meaning of the word "smoked" is. . .

** It depends upon what the meaning of the word "sauce" is. . .
