Religion News Service aka RNS And Unitarian Universalist Pedophiles And-Or Rapists - What's The Connection?

How about this brand spanking new comment that I just submitted in response to a Religion News Service blog post titled - Blasphemy! * Sexting statue * ‘Halal’ pork: Religious Freedom Recap: Sept. 30 – Oct. 7 - by one Brian Pellot, who is director of global strategy and religious freedom editor at RNS aka Religion News Service?

Yet to be jailed Rockin' Robin who "punks" abusive U*U clergy vows to post more “blasphemous” blog posts about Unitarian Universalist "church" clergy and UUA Religious Educators who are in fact guilty of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" when they*’re "released" this year.

No word on whether this Canadian Theist who faces up to two years in the slammer if convicted of the archaic crime of "blasphemous libel" for posting “pedophile rapist” online will promise to stop blogging about Unitarian Universalist pedophiles and-or rapists or indeed U*U clergy who are guilty of somewhat less despicable "crimes" against humanity.

Did I get your attention? Good.

Let’s start this week’s Recap of news about outrageously hypocritical, and stunningly hubristic, American Atheist "Unitarians" who are falsely accusing me of Big Fat U*U Blasphemy(!) for blogging about abusive UU clergy.
