Unitarian Universalism Facebook Page Moderator Memory Holed aka Censored My Comments About UUA Clergy Abuse And Other UU Abuses
It came to my attention earlier this morning that there was a new Unitarian Universalism page on Facebook, in fact it has all the appearances of being an official UUA Facebook page. Needless to say, I ever so opportunistically took the opportunity to post some comments about the fact that immoral and unethical UUA leaders are falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in bat shit crazy Lance Armstrong style legal bullying that quite evidently seeks to intimidate me into removing blog posts about "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" who, amongst other dirty deeds (not creeds) "engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape." In fact my first comment was actually a post that played off of the Unitarian Universalism Facebook page's claim that UUism is "a deeds not creeds" religion. God knows that if we were to judge the tiny declining fringe religion known as Unitarian Universalism aka The U*U Movement by its actual deeds, rather than it by its apparently insincere if not outright fraudulent creeds, such as The Seven Principles, UUism would not come out of it looking so good. . .
Here are screenshots of some, but not all, of the comments that I posted to the Unitarian Universalism Facebook page this morning before whoever is "moderating" it blocked me from posting any further comments to it.
This was my initial comment, which was posted as an actual
It linked to this evidence of #DirtyDeeds engaged in by UU clergy,
I was blessed to receive this damning evidence of attempted UUA
Life IS suffering when hubristic UUA leaders shoot themselves
in their clay feet with heavy artillery by falsely accusing me of
the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in unethical legal bullying
that quite evidently seeks to cover-up and hide the fact that
"certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" ARE in fact guilty of
engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
This comment *was* posted to this URL in response
This comment *was* posted to this URL -
Which *now* displays this message as proof positive of
U*U Memory Holing censorship of my comment(s).
Here are screenshots of some, but not all, of the comments that I posted to the Unitarian Universalism Facebook page this morning before whoever is "moderating" it blocked me from posting any further comments to it.
This was my initial comment, which was posted as an actual
post to the Unitarian Universalism Facebook page, rather
than a comment responding to one of its existing posts.
than a comment responding to one of its existing posts.
It linked to this evidence of #DirtyDeeds engaged in by UU clergy,
including Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein and Rev. Mack W. Mitchell,
to say nothing of various other "less than perfect" UUA ministers.
to say nothing of various other "less than perfect" UUA ministers.
I was blessed to receive this damning evidence of attempted UUA
cover-up and denial of UUA clergy abuse in June of 2012.
What a unique honor & privilege it IS to be accused of
What a unique honor & privilege it IS to be accused of
blasphemous libel by 21st Century Unitarians. . .
And Atheist Unitarian UUA leaders at that!
And Atheist Unitarian UUA leaders at that!
Life IS suffering when hubristic UUA leaders shoot themselves
in their clay feet with heavy artillery by falsely accusing me of
the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in unethical legal bullying
that quite evidently seeks to cover-up and hide the fact that
"certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" ARE in fact guilty of
engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
This comment *was* posted to this URL in response
to this UUism Facebook post about anti-Muslim bigotry.
It calls attention to the anti-Muslim rhetoric that Rev. Peter Morales
It calls attention to the anti-Muslim rhetoric that Rev. Peter Morales
spouted in his stump speech announcing his candidacy for President
This comment *was* posted to this URL -
Which *now* displays this message as proof positive of
U*U Memory Holing censorship of my comment(s).