UUA Moderator Jim Key And ALL UUA Board Trustees Get A Mothers Day Message Courtesy Of Yours Truly. . .

The following Mothers Day greeting was just emailed to UUA Moderator Jim Key, the UUA Board of Trustees and cc'd to two prominent members of UU Safety Net. I would not have felt the need to send this brand-spanking new "electronic communication" to Jim Key and UUA Trustees if they had responded in genuine responsibility to my spirit that bloweth where it listeth earlier. . .

I have added some (im)pertinent hyperlinks to the text of this "electronic communication" to aid and abet Unitarian Universalists, to say nothing of the general public, in their free and responsible search for its Truth and meaning. . .

To jkey@uua.org board@uua.org 
cc: pmorales@uua.org

Today at 8:11 AM

Dear UUA Moderator Jim Key and ALL UUA Board Trustees,

This brand spanking new Mother's Day Tweet, courtesy of Yours Truly aka The Emerson Avenger, probably would not need to have been Tweeted if you had responded in genuine responsibility to the letter and the Spirit of my previous emails aka electronic communications regarding the Rev. Peter Morales UUA administration's bat shit crazy legal bullying that falsely accuses me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel in an immoral, unethical, and indeed borderline criminal attempt to hide the fact that "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of certain UUA Religious Educators aka UU Sunday School teachers, are in fact guilty of engaging in "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape".



Happy Mothers Day?

Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger

Here is the plagU*Urized @UUA propaganda that appears in this little Tweet of mine. . .
