Did UUA Moderator Jim Key Tell Bald-Faced Lies In His Apology To UU Clergy Sexual Misconduct Victims Delivered During His First UUA Moderator's Report?

Just asking. . .

But I am being a bit more assertive about that possibilty, indeed probability. . . in the following comment that I just submitted in response to the 'Board Apology for Clergy Sexual Misconduct' blog post of UU clergy sexual misconduct victim, and UU Safety Net founding member, Anna Belle Leiserson's new Faith and the UU Crucible blog -

The third paragraph of this official UUA Board apology that UUA Moderator Jim Key delivered to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims during his Moderator's Report to the 2014 UUA GA in Providence, Rhode Island, is rather problematic and its sincerity, integrity, and credibility is open to considerable question on a variety of fronts. Even if the wording and presentation of this second UUA apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims had been as close to perfection as possible, its sincerity, integrity, and credibility would have still been open to question in terms of certain other words and actions, or dearth thereof. . . of UUA Moderator Jim Key, UUA Trustees, and other top level UUA leaders, not the least of them being UUA President Rev. Peter Morales himself. Quite regrettably however, this second apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims is FAR from perfect, indeed I do not believe that it is even acceptable and thus it should NOT be accepted by ANY victims of UU clergy sexual misconduct.

Sadly, UUA Moderator Jim Key's official apology for UU clergy sexual misconduct contains at least two highly questionable assertions that I have considerable difficulty perceiving, and even understanding, as anything other than outright bald-faced lies. The two highly questionable assertions in question are certainly serious misrepresentations of the "Hard Truths" about UU clergy sexual misconduct that a free and genuinely *responsible* search for the Truth and meaning of what Jim Key publicly asserted in this second UUA apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims in front of hundreds (if not a few thousand) of Unitarian Universalists during his first ever Moderator's Report at a UUA General Assembly, will inevitably bring to light. . .

Is "the proper context" of UU clergy sexual misconduct *really* limited to only "a small number" of "less than perfect" UUA clergy who are guilty of "ignoring professional ethics and boundaries" by engaging in one form of clergy sexual misconduct or another? I recall telling UUA Moderator Jim Key that, according to the knowledgeable UU clergy misconduct expert Rev. Deborah Pope-Lance (as reported by Reston Virginia UU church congregant Jeff Schatz during this UU church's Sunday services dealing with the aftermath of its experiences of UU clergy sexual misconduct), no less than 400 UUA congregations have been affected by one form of clergy sexual misconduct or another.

Jeff Schatz's exact words were -

"A group of interim ministers tried to figure out how many UU churches had experienced such ministerial misconduct. Rev. Pope-Lance said that the group of ministers tired of their efforts after naming 400. Even just in the last year, of the 12 negotiated resignations, where ministers are asked to leave, 9 of them were in congregations who had experienced clergy sexual misconduct."

No less than 400 UUA congregations that have experienced clergy sexual misconduct, and quite possibly dozens or even hundreds more such congregations, since the counting ended when the disillusioned interim ministers doing the math stopped counting, is hardly "a small number" of UU clergy guilty of CSM by anyone's estimation, with the apparent exception of UUA Moderator Jim Key of course. . . In that a certain percentage of these Unitarian Universalist congregations would have experienced clergy sexual misconduct by more than just one "less than perfect" minister, the number of UU clergy who are guilty of committing clergy sexual misconduct is inevitably higher than "only" 400 ministers.

As if this highly misleading, indeed apparently outright false, assertion was not bad enough, UUA Moderator Jim Key went on to publicly assert that -

"There were no incidents of abuse of children or elders in my investigations."

It is pretty much impossible for me to perceive that HIGHLY questionable assertion as being anything other than a brazen bald-faced lie on the part of Jim Key. In my one and only telephone conversation with Jim Key in early September of last year, which was ostensibly part of his investigations into both sexual and non-sexual UU clergy misconduct, I informed UUA Moderator Jim Key about the Rev. Mack Mitchell case, in which a Boston area UUA minister lured vulnerable teenage Tibetan refugees away from their families in India with promises of a better life in America. Rev. Mack Mitchell then proceeded to repeatedly engage in full sexual intercourse with these teenage Tibetan refugees (please note the plural...) over a period measured in months, if not several years. As a result of one of his rape victims finally reporting this egregiously abusive clergy sexual misconduct to congregants of his UU church, Rev. Mack W. Mitchell was subsequently charged with rape, tried for rape, convicted of rape, and incarcerated for several years. I will add that it was not just statutory rape that Rev. Mack Mitchell was convicted of simply because these vulnerable young girls were about 16-17 years old (if not younger) when the rapes took place, but actual "forcible rape". Apparently UUA Moderator Jim Key does not consider these 16-17 year old (or younger) teenaged girls to be children, or he somehow managed to conveniently "forget" what I said to him during our phone conversation that lasted about an hour and a half, even though I suggested that he would be very well advised to responsibly review the videos that I had made during our conversation which recorded my side of my conversation with him, and subsequently posted to YouTube and "The Blog That Cannot Be Named".

Even if UUA Moderator Jim Key conveniently deemed these 16-17 year old (or younger) Tibetan teenager rape victims to be "young adults" rather than "children", for the purposes of officially denying, ignoring, and minimizing UU clergy sexual abuse of children in what clergy abuse expert Dee Miller calls DIM Thinking, the fact remains that other Unitarian Universalist ministers, to say absolutely nothing of UUA Religious Education teachers, have in fact not only engaged in what the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, describes as "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", but have actually been charged, tried, and convicted of the "despicable" crime known as "child molestation" aka pedophilia. I have repeatedly made this readily verifiable fact clear in my emails to UUA Moderator Jim Key and ALL UUA Trustees in vigorously defending myself against the Peter Morales administration's ludicrous blasphemous libel accusation against me, which quite evidently seeks to misuse and abuse Canada's archaic blasphemy law in immoral, unethical, and borderline criminal UUA legal bullying whose glaringly obvious purpose was, and still is. . . to conceal from "the Public Eye" aka The Court Of Public Opinion a few The Emerson Avenger blog posts that report about UU clergy abuse, including some documented cases of Unitarian Universalists who have actually been convicted of "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". Contrary to the UUA's Canadian attorney's false accusation that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the (Unitarian Universalist) Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", and that such allegedly *unfounded* vicious allegations are SO defamatory that they constitute the criminal act of blasphemous libel, I have only blogged about cases where Unitarian Universalist were actually convicted of pedophilia and-or rape in a court of law and these convictions were reported in credible mainstream media such as newspapers and magazines etc.

Ironically, the one Unitarian Universalist who I had truthfully described as being a "pedophile rapist", because he was convicted of raping preteen girls who were reportedly 9-12 years old (or possibly younger...) at the times that these despicable crimes took place, was not even a UU minister according to my knowledge. The fact remains however that "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" who can be justifiably described as pedophiles have been convicted of the sexual abuse of children and their convictions for child sexual abuse have been reported in print media that may be found by engaging in a free and *responsible* search for the Truth and meaning of what I have just said here.

There are other serious problems with UUA Moderator Jim Key's botched apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims during the 2014 UUA GA in Providence, Rhode Island, but these two apparent bald-faced lies are the most serious problems in my well-informed opinion and they MUST be responsibly dealt with and corrected by UUA Moderator Jim Key and-or the UUA Board of Trustees in the VERY near future. These two apparent outright lies seriously compromise the sincerity, integrity and credibility of the UUA's second apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct. In fact, I believe that Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees now owe UU clergy sexual misconduct victims a third apology arising directly from these two VERY serious problems with this second UUA apology, to say nothing of other problems it may have. I will be calling upon Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees to deliver a third apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct during the 2015 UUA GA in Portland, along with a first apology to victims of non-sexual clergy misconduct who are apparently third-class citizens of the UU World in that UU clergy sexual misconduct victims remain second class citizens of the UU World.

That is all for now, but I will be commenting on various other problematic aspects of UUA Moderator Jim Key's botched apology to UU clergy sexual misconduct victims down the road a bit. . .

The official 2014 UUA GA video of Jim Key's Moderator's Report may be viewed below -
