Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct Inc. Such Despicable Crimes As Pedophilia And Rape And Fourth Of July aka 4th Of July Independence Day Celebrations - What's The Connection?
How about this brand-spanking new "electronic communication" aka email that I sent to the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, UUA Moderator Jim Key and ALL UUA Board Trustees earlier this morning as part of *my* Fourth of July aka 4th of July celebration(s) of Independence Day just for starters?
To macoulombe@stikeman.com jkey@uua.org board@uua.org and 3 More...
Today at 8:42 AM
Dear Maitre Coulombe,
It is now one full year and thirteen "less than lucky" months since I sent you the "electronic communication" aka email whose full text is copied below. I would have just forwarded this email to you, but Yahoo! Canada changed their email system a while back, and it makes it quite difficult, if not impossible, to forward emails aka "electronic communications" without forwarding subsequent emails that are related to the one and only email that one wants to forward.
You and your "less than honest" client, the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka The U*U Movement aka THE Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ have yet to identify ANY blog post on The Emerson Avenger blog that actually contains ANY "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
Not one. . .
Apparently, like your Big Fat U*U Client, the UUADCDDWUUACCA, you are chronically unready, obstinately unwilling, and apparently quite unable to back up your "less than honest", and indeed "less than credible" (dare I say "Beyond Belief"?), "talk" aka empty and insincere rhetoric with ANY actual "walk" aka "walking towards trouble".
In that in the one year and thirteen "less than lucky" months aka 763 "less than lucky" days that have been making my day ever since Glorious Friday June 1st, 2012, you have NOT provided the slightest scrap of evidence in support of your highly questionable (dare I say *unfounded*) allegations to the effect that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", and that such allegedly "unfounded and vicious allegations" about UU pedophiles and rapists, to say absolutely nothing of UU pedophile rapists. . . constitute the archaic crime of blasphemous libel, I once again cordially invite you and your "less than forthcoming" client the UUADCDDWUUACCA to formally withdraw those "less than well founded" aka UnTrue aka outright false accusations against me and publicly apologize for bringing them against me.
Please DO feel free to freely and irresponibly continue to obstinately refuse to formally withraw these "less than credible" aka "Beyond Belief" aka bat shit crazy accusations against me, as I *really* DO quite enjoy basking in the untold GLORY of being falsely accused of the archaic, if not obsolete. . . criminal act of blaspĥemous libel by Atheist Unitarian UUADCDDWUUACCA leaders, such as UUADCDDWUUACCA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales and "retired" UUADCDDWUUACCA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen aka 'Kay "Fuck That" Montgomery to name but two of them.
BTW It *might* be advisable for you and your "less than honest" cllient(s) to refresh your individual and collective memories of *this* archaic, and apparently quite obsolete. . . law of God aka THE Creator Of The Universe that may be found in a book of law known as The Torah aka The Holy Bible. It may be found under section 8 or 9 of "The Ten Commandments", depending upon which version of the The Torah aka The Holy Bible one may bother to read -
Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbor known U*U World-wide as Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger.
See - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_bear_false_witness_against_thy_neighbour
It is now one full year and thirteen "less than lucky" months since I sent you the "electronic communication" aka email whose full text is copied below. I would have just forwarded this email to you, but Yahoo! Canada changed their email system a while back, and it makes it quite difficult, if not impossible, to forward emails aka "electronic communications" without forwarding subsequent emails that are related to the one and only email that one wants to forward.
You and your "less than honest" client, the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka The U*U Movement aka THE Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ have yet to identify ANY blog post on The Emerson Avenger blog that actually contains ANY "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape."
Not one. . .
Apparently, like your Big Fat U*U Client, the UUADCDDWUUACCA, you are chronically unready, obstinately unwilling, and apparently quite unable to back up your "less than honest", and indeed "less than credible" (dare I say "Beyond Belief"?), "talk" aka empty and insincere rhetoric with ANY actual "walk" aka "walking towards trouble".
In that in the one year and thirteen "less than lucky" months aka 763 "less than lucky" days that have been making my day ever since Glorious Friday June 1st, 2012, you have NOT provided the slightest scrap of evidence in support of your highly questionable (dare I say *unfounded*) allegations to the effect that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", and that such allegedly "unfounded and vicious allegations" about UU pedophiles and rapists, to say absolutely nothing of UU pedophile rapists. . . constitute the archaic crime of blasphemous libel, I once again cordially invite you and your "less than forthcoming" client the UUADCDDWUUACCA to formally withdraw those "less than well founded" aka UnTrue aka outright false accusations against me and publicly apologize for bringing them against me.
Please DO feel free to freely and irresponibly continue to obstinately refuse to formally withraw these "less than credible" aka "Beyond Belief" aka bat shit crazy accusations against me, as I *really* DO quite enjoy basking in the untold GLORY of being falsely accused of the archaic, if not obsolete. . . criminal act of blaspĥemous libel by Atheist Unitarian UUADCDDWUUACCA leaders, such as UUADCDDWUUACCA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales and "retired" UUADCDDWUUACCA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen aka 'Kay "Fuck That" Montgomery to name but two of them.
BTW It *might* be advisable for you and your "less than honest" cllient(s) to refresh your individual and collective memories of *this* archaic, and apparently quite obsolete. . . law of God aka THE Creator Of The Universe that may be found in a book of law known as The Torah aka The Holy Bible. It may be found under section 8 or 9 of "The Ten Commandments", depending upon which version of the The Torah aka The Holy Bible one may bother to read -
Thou shalt NOT bear false witness against thy neighbor known U*U World-wide as Robin Edgar aka The Emerson Avenger.
See - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_bear_false_witness_against_thy_neighbour
Allah prochaine,
Robin Edgar aka THE Emerson Avenger
P.S. God IS watching you and the bat shit crazy Atheist Unitarian U*U UUADCDDWUUACCA leaders who have chosen the Big Fat U*U Fate of SO hubristically, SO foolishly, SO dishonestly, SO immorally, SO UnEthically, SO borderline criminally, and yes. . . SO BAT SHIT CRAZILY bearing false witness against Yours Truly aka The Emerson Avenger by falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel on the *unfounded* aka false pretext that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", in what is quite evidently an immoral, unethical and indeed borderline criminal attempt to hide from the public eye aka The Court Of Public Opinion what CANNOT be hidden from the ALL-seeing "eye" of God.
Robin Edgar aka THE Emerson Avenger
P.S. God IS watching you and the bat shit crazy Atheist Unitarian U*U UUADCDDWUUACCA leaders who have chosen the Big Fat U*U Fate of SO hubristically, SO foolishly, SO dishonestly, SO immorally, SO UnEthically, SO borderline criminally, and yes. . . SO BAT SHIT CRAZILY bearing false witness against Yours Truly aka The Emerson Avenger by falsely accusing me of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel on the *unfounded* aka false pretext that I have allegedly made "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association ( i.e. the Unitarian Universalist Association Of Dysfunctional Congregations Damaged By Decades Worth Of UUA Complicity In Clergy Abuse aka UUADCDDWUUACCA ) engage in SUCH despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape", in what is quite evidently an immoral, unethical and indeed borderline criminal attempt to hide from the public eye aka The Court Of Public Opinion what CANNOT be hidden from the ALL-seeing "eye" of God.
De : Robin Edgar [mailto:robinedgar59@yahoo.ca]
Envoyé : Monday, June 04, 2012 8:13 AM
À : Marc-André Coulombe
Objet : A Few More Questions Re: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself
Envoyé : Monday, June 04, 2012 8:13 AM
À : Marc-André Coulombe
Objet : A Few More Questions Re: Unitarian Universalist Association and al. vs. Yourself
Dear Maitre Coulombe,
I have now read
and reread the legal letter (mise-en-demeure?) that you sent me in the
PDF file attached to your initial email which was sent to me last
Friday, i.e. June 1, 2012.
I regret to have
to inform you that I'm having considerable difficulty finding The
Emerson Avenger blog posts that match some of the
descriptions/accusations that you have made in that
two page letter.
I am asking you
to facilitate the process of finding these blog posts and/or photographs
so that I may decide how to govern myself by clearly identifying the
The Emerson Avenger blog posts
in question by providing me with the URL where they are located and/or
their blog title and/or the date that they were posted to the internet.
Needless to say it is simply not possible for me to remove The Emerson
Avenger blog posts and/or photographs posted
to "the blog" that I am unable to find.
Needless to say I
am most concerned about appropriately dealing with those The Emerson
Avenger blog posts which you, and presumably by extension your primary
client the Unitarian Universalist
Association of Congregations (the "Association"), have clearly alleged
constitute the criminal act of blasphemous libel (Criminal Code R.S.C.
1985, c. C.46.1). Could you please direct me to those The Emerson
Avenger blog posts which you and the Unitarian Universalist
Association believe contain the "unfounded and vicious allegations to
the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable
crimes as pedophilia and rape" that you are accusing me of by providing
me with the URLs where they are located and/or
their blog title and/or the date upon which they were posted to the
internet? Presumably you have in your possession downloads of these The
Emerson Avenger blog posts which you may present as court exhibits if
and when you decide to actually have me charged
the crime of blasphemous libel if I should fail or refuse to comply
with your demand to remove them from The Emerson Avenger blog. It is
pretty much impossible for me to govern myself in compliance with your
demand that I "take down" these "web postings" aka
blog posts if I cannot even find The Emerson Avenger blog posts that
these allegedly "unfounded and vicious allegations" are published in.
I am similarly
having considerable difficulty finding the photographs of a female
Unitarian Universalist minister (whom you fail to name) which you allege
have the word "bitch" superimposed
on them. I quite thoroughly scoured The Emerson Avenger blog over the
weekend trying to find these photographs and could not find these
photographs, so I am now obliged to ask you to provide me with URLs
where these photographs are located and/or the title
of The Emerson Avenger blog post that they are posted to and/or the
date that they were posted to The Emerson Avenger blog.
Needless to say
the requests of the Unitarian Universalist Association and/or a number
of its women Unitarian Universalist ministers ( whom you fail to name)
that you have communicated
to me in your legal letter cannot possibly be fully implemented by the
close of business on June 4, 2012 (i.e. later today) if I am unable to
even find The Emerson Avenger blog posts. If for some reason you are
unable to provide the URLs and/or The Emerson
Avenger blog post titles where these photographs have been posted to
the internet aka "the web" you could none-the-less assist me in possibly
locating these photographs by providing me with the name of the female
Unitarian Universalist minister in question
and I will run some image searches with the name of the minister along
with the word "bitch" and see what, if anything, those image searches
find. I will then be able to make an informed decision as to how I
should govern myself.
That is all for now.
Thank you,
Robin Edgar