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The Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct - What's The Connection?

How about these comments that I just posted in reponse to Global News breaking news reporter Erika Tucker's article titled -

'Charlie Hebdo attack prompts push to strike Canadian blasphemy law'

  • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
    For the record, I told Eric Adriaans of the Centre for Inquiry (CFI) about how Atheist Unitarian Universalists were falsely accusing me of the crime of blasphemous libel in clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying, and pointed out to him how "hypocritical and problematic" it is for Canada to have a blasphemy law, last summer. I am glad to see that he has taken up this cause, but I am disappointed that he has not mentioned the fact that I have been falsely accused of blasphemous libel by (dare I say it?) Humanist Unitarian Universalist "religious leaders" in Bill Cosby style legal bullying that quiyte evidently seeks to cover-up and hide "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" to borrow two choice phrases from the two cease and desist demand letters that the Unitarian Universalist Association hired Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe to have me served with in June of 2012. Here is one of my responses to the second arrogant and aggressive cease and desist cdemand letter he sent me when I told him that I was not aware of any blog posts containing "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" and asked him to properly identify such allegedly defamatory and even blasphemous blog posts.

  • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
    I have actually been accused of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel for The Emerson Avenger blog posts that allegedly, and I do say allegedly... contain "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the (Unitarian Universalist) Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". Prior to this accusation, made on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations by its Canadian attorneys Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc André Coulombe, I had been blissfully unaware that Canada had a blasphemy law still "on the books" in the Canadian Criminal Code.

    I have been calling for the repeal or reform of Canada's blasphemy law ever since that ludicrous false accusation was brought against me in June 2012. Most ironically the UUA leaders who are most responsible for this shameful misuse and abuse of Canada's blasphemy law are Atheist U*Us...

    Needless to say I consider it to be a unique honour and privilege to be falsely accused of the criminal act of blasphemous libel by immoral and unethical Atheist U*U leaders of the tiny, declining, fringe religion known as Unitarian Universalism aka The U*U Movement. LOL!

  • Craig Dudley James Williams · Top Commenter · Edmonton, Alberta
    people that say "that offends me" especially if it is not a directed comment/action towards the individual are basically saying "i cannot control my emotions, so do it for me." People are far far to easily butt hurt now a days.

  • Bob Hlina · · Prince George, British Columbia
    My God will take care of those He wants to, don't need the courts or me to do it for Him, He can take care of Himself!

  • John Lyes · Top Commenter
    Screw the apologists, to hell with blasphemy laws in the west. We live in a (supposedly) free society. Otherwise let's all be done with it and burn ourselves to ashes.

  • Barry Cooper · · Top Commenter · University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
    A law that threatens punishment for criticism of somebody's concept of an unprovable, all-powerful magic sky person is not a law that should exist in a supposedly enlightened twenty-first century democracy.

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
      Most ironically, Atheist Unitarian Universalist leaders have attempted to misuse Canada's blasphemy law by threatening to have me charged with the criminal act of blasphemous libel for my public criticism of Unitarian Universalist pedophiles and rapists. This kind of immoral, unethical, borderline criminal, and I dare say *insane* threat should NEVER have been made by a supposedly enlightened twenty-first century "religion" as it were...

      See -

  • B.K. Anderson · · Top Commenter · Uoft
    There is no such thing as blasphemy. It is a made up concept that could apply just as easily to Santa Claus as any deity. Repeal it now.

    • Robin Edgar · Concordia University
      Apparently Atheist Unitarian Universalist UUA leaders aka leaders of The U*U Movement believe that Canada's blasphemy law could apply just as easily to U*U pedophiles and rapists as Santa Claus... LOL!

  • B.K. Anderson · · Top Commenter · Uoft
    Repeal that odious law.
