
Showing posts from August, 2015

Rev. Tom Schade Affirms God's Omniscient Knowledge Of U*U Clergy Sexual Abuse And UUA Cover-Up & Denial Thereof. . .

Onward Christian Soldiers Lyrics And UUA Misuse Of Blasphemy Law To Cover-Up UU Pedophilia And Rape - What's The Connection?

Referring To *The* Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang As A Shrieking Harpy Is NOT A Feminist Thing to Do But. . .

*The* Reverend Doctor Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler Wants To Kill Jason Gentry. . .

Is June Michell Femmes Averties WomenAware Program Director Aware Of Montreal Unitarian U*U Sue Montgomery's Complicity In U*U ClergyAbuse Cover-Up?

Does Louise Arbour Former Supreme Court Justice And Former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Know About Montreal Unitarian U*U Sue Montgomery's Complicity In U*U Clergy Abuse Cover-Up?

Wanna Be NDG Westmount NDP Candidate Sue Montgomery Gets Put On The Emerson Avenger's "Eat Your Words" Diet. . .

Sue Montgomery Wanna Be NDP Candidate In NDG-Westmount Riding Viciously Kicks UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales In His Big Fat U*U Balls!

Sue Montgomery NDP NDG-Westmount "Hopeful" Candidate And Bill Cosby Style Legal Bullying - What's The Connection?

Sue Montgomery Wanna Be NDP NDG-Westmount Riding Candidate And Unitarian Universalist Clergy Abuse Cover-Up & Denial - What's The Connection?

Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang aka Vicki The Impaler Announces That The UUA Is Dropping Its Bat Shit Crazy Blasphemous Libel Accusation Against Yours Truly. . .