Sue Montgomery Wanna Be NDP Candidate In NDG-Westmount Riding Viciously Kicks UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales In His Big Fat U*U Balls!

Albeit somewhat inadvertently. . .

In this post to her Sue4NDP?!! Facebook account.

Without further ado, here is a parody version of "retired" Montréal Gazette "Justice Reporter" Sue Montgomery's words about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper which demonstrates how they are equally applicable to UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales, to say nothing of other top-level UUA leaders, Montreal Unitarians, and wanna be NDG-Westmount riding NDG candidate Sue Montgomery herself. . .

Unless UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter "Beyond Belief" Morales is under a Big Fat U*U Fatwa that "The U*U Movement" refuses to divulge in the name of "religious freedom", there is NO excuse for *this* kind of behaviour.…/blasphemy-law-blasphemo…

It is graceless, classless and thuggish. It betrays not only "The U*U Movement"’s contempt for the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms, but their disdain for the very principles which Unitarian*Universalism purports to "affirm and promote".

Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us traditionally champion freedom — and that includes ‪#‎FreedomOfSpeech‬, ‪#‎FreedomOfThePress‬, ‪#‎FreedomOfExpression‬. Curbing those freedoms to “protect” themselves from criticism weakens the U*U’s ability to recognize their own Big Fat U*U ‪#‎FAILings‬ — and to correct for them. It causes U*Us to forget what their "religion" purportedly stands for, and to make the kind of Big Fat U*U Mistakes that can accumulate during a ‪#‎LegalBullying‬ campaign and prove fatal to The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™.
