Sue Montgomery's #BeenRapedNEVERreported Hashtag Anniversary And Unitarian Universalist Pedophiles And Rapists - What's The Connection?
How about this comment that I just posted in response to The Huffington Post article titled -
#BeenRapedNeverReported: 1 Year Later, What's Changed? Co-Creators Reflect Back
Most ironically, #BeenRapedNeverReported hashtag co-founder Sue Montgomery threatened to sue me for libel because I have blogged & Tweeted about her own complicity in Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up & denial that predates her crusade by years. . . I have been protesting against U*U clergy abuse of ALL kinds, i.e. both sexual abuse and non-sexual forms of abuse like verbal & psychological abuse, outside the Unitarian Church of Montreal since the late 1990s. The Montreal Gazette's "Justice Reporter" Sue Montgomery was actively involved in misguided efforts by Montreal Unitarians to force an end to my protest by misusing SPVM police power.
#BeenRapedNeverReported: 1 Year Later, What's Changed? Co-Creators Reflect Back
Most ironically, #BeenRapedNeverReported hashtag co-founder Sue Montgomery threatened to sue me for libel because I have blogged & Tweeted about her own complicity in Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up & denial that predates her crusade by years. . . I have been protesting against U*U clergy abuse of ALL kinds, i.e. both sexual abuse and non-sexual forms of abuse like verbal & psychological abuse, outside the Unitarian Church of Montreal since the late 1990s. The Montreal Gazette's "Justice Reporter" Sue Montgomery was actively involved in misguided efforts by Montreal Unitarians to force an end to my protest by misusing SPVM police power.
In June 2012, the Unitarian Universalist Association had me served with a cease and desist demand letter that falsely accused me of the criminal act of blasphemous libel for allegedly making "unfounded and vicious allegations to the effect that ministers of the Association engage in such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape". Of course this was total legal BS. I had been careful to only blog about U*Us who were actually convicted of "such despicable crimes". There was nothing false about my allegations. When I told Sue Montgomery about the UUA's Bill Cosby style clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying, and challenged her to report it in her capacity as The Gazette's "Justice Reporter", she refused to do so. Not only that, but I have reasonable grounds to believe that Sue Montgomery took steps to ensure that no other Gazette reporter covered that eminently newsworthy story either. Certainly, to date. . . The Gazette has #NEVERreported that children have #BeenRaped by U*U clergy & U*U Sunday school teachers etc. and the UUA attempted to misuse Canada's blasphemy law to intimidate me into "memory holing" blog posts about U*U pedophiles & rapists.
From where I stand Sue Montgomery is a two-faced hypocrite.
Here is my YouTube video of me telling Sue Montgomery about the UUA's false blasphemous libel accusation against me during the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women protest against violence against women that took place in front of Montréal's Palais de Justice on Thursay December 6, 2012, and challenging her to report the story in The Gazette. Sue Montgomery has tried quite hard to have this video removed from YouTube.
Can't imagine why. . .
Can't imagine why. . .