A Unitarian Universalist Thanksgiving Prayer And UUA Misuse Of Blasphemy Law To Cover-Up & Hide UU Pedophilia & Rape - What's The Connection?

How about this plagU*Urized parody version of this Thanksgiving Prayer of the Rev. Robert R. Walsh who is minister emeritus of the First Parish Church in Duxbury, MA., and the author of Stone Blessings: Meditations?

A Unitarian Universalist aka U*U Thanksgiving Prayer

By The Emerson Avenger, as inspired by

Eternal God, source of all created things, including but by no means limited to Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyers, we would give substance to our thankfulness by resolving to make right use of the gifts we have received from the Unitarian Universalist Association's Canadian attorney, Maitre Marc-André Coulombe.

With these gifts of senseless UUA clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying we would fashion and preserve a U*U World of justice and equity for ALL victims of ALL forms of Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse. With Thy gift of good old Unitarian Reason we would engage with Maitre Marc-André Coulombe and immoral and unethical UUA leaders like UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales, UUA Moderator Jim Key and UUA Board Trustees in a free and responsible search for the Truth and meaning, or glaring dearth thereof, of Maitre Coulombe's arrogant and aggressive cease and desist demand letters. With Thy gift of Divine Retribution we would build a U*U World of justice and equity. And with Thy gift of being sarcastic we would slap Maitre Coulombe upside the head.

Thus, in gratitude for the Truly unique honour & privilege of being falsely accused of the archaic crime of blasphemous libel by immoral, unethical, borderline criminal, and yes. . . Bat Shit Crazy UUA leaders like Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and "retired" UUA Executive *Vice* President Kathleen 'Kay Montgomery, with a little help from the UUA's "little friend" at Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors LLP, we become faithful servants of the glorious ongoing creation of The Emerson Avenger blog posts and Tweets and other internet postings about the UUA's utterly shameful misuse and abuse of Canada's questionable blasphemy law to cover-up and*or deny U*U pedophilia and*or rape.

