Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang Bitch Slaps Her UUA Enablers & UUA's Stikeman Elliott Lawyer(s) For Misusing Canada's Blasphemy Law To Cover-Up U*U Pedophilia And Rape. . .
In this plagU*Urized parody version of this Peacebang Facebook post.
The UUA misuse of blasphemy law story is fascinating and upsetting in a lot of different ways that intersect with things many of us U*Us profess to care deeply about. No use telling U*U souls it's not right to judge. These crises and conversations are one of the key ways we figure out our values as a "religion".
We U*Us judge and we U*Us figure out where we're at.
Were top-level UUA leaders and the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, #BatShitCrazy? I think they probably were, but the more important issue is how often ALL of us U*Us are hypocritical. We also need to talk more about why sometimes U*Us have to take the Big Fat U*U Risk to reach out and grab "someone else's" abusive U*U "pastor" who's running off at the mouth, rather than taking the Bigger Fatter U*U Risk(s) of falsely accusing The Emerson Avenger of sexual harassment, or even totally destroying Unitarian Universalism's centuries old tradition of opposing blasphemy law.
My Big Fat U*U "Sodomy Fantasy" is also in question, and whether or not it's ethical to have these beautifully wild UUA clergy on the internet as a form of entertainment for all (full disclosure: I LOVE U*U).
As for the low-life, bottom-feeding UUA leader(s) who dragged out Canada's archaic blasphemy law in Bill Cosby style clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying (I don't know their names; I refuse to read The Emerson Avenger blog posts), may God lay a Big Fat U*U Poop on their U*U "churches".
The UUA misuse of blasphemy law story is fascinating and upsetting in a lot of different ways that intersect with things many of us U*Us profess to care deeply about. No use telling U*U souls it's not right to judge. These crises and conversations are one of the key ways we figure out our values as a "religion".
We U*Us judge and we U*Us figure out where we're at.
Were top-level UUA leaders and the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors litigation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe, #BatShitCrazy? I think they probably were, but the more important issue is how often ALL of us U*Us are hypocritical. We also need to talk more about why sometimes U*Us have to take the Big Fat U*U Risk to reach out and grab "someone else's" abusive U*U "pastor" who's running off at the mouth, rather than taking the Bigger Fatter U*U Risk(s) of falsely accusing The Emerson Avenger of sexual harassment, or even totally destroying Unitarian Universalism's centuries old tradition of opposing blasphemy law.
My Big Fat U*U "Sodomy Fantasy" is also in question, and whether or not it's ethical to have these beautifully wild UUA clergy on the internet as a form of entertainment for all (full disclosure: I LOVE U*U).
As for the low-life, bottom-feeding UUA leader(s) who dragged out Canada's archaic blasphemy law in Bill Cosby style clergy abuse cover-up legal bullying (I don't know their names; I refuse to read The Emerson Avenger blog posts), may God lay a Big Fat U*U Poop on their U*U "churches".