United Church Of Christ (UCC) President Rev. John Dorhauer Viciously Kicks UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales In His Big Fat U*U Balls

In this plagU*Urized version of United Church Of Christ President Rev. John C. Dorhauer's UUMA Ministry Days Program introduction to his keynote address entitled:

'Maintaining Irrelevance, Destroying U*U Credibility and Vitality in a Postmodern U*U World'

"We are living through a time of Big Fat U*U Change. This isn’t generational change; this is a shifting of U*U paradigms. Many of the assumptions about what made religious leaders and movements relevant and vital through the time of the Enlightenment no longer apply. What is it that 21st century UUA leaders need to know in order for The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion to devolve, maintain its dysfunctionality, and continue to reshape Canada's blasphemy law for the "common good" of pedophiles and rapists in The U*U Movement?
Rev. John Dorhauer

President of the United Church Of Christ
