UUA Moderator Jim Key IS The Very Model Of A Modern White Supremacist Unitarian Universalist U*U!

But don't take *my* word for it U*Us, take the word of *Certified* Risk Management Consultant James "See No Evil" Key aka UUA Moderator Jim Key himself, as expressed in this letter he wrote three weeks ago on April 8th, 2017, as reproduced in this Facebook post of the Fourth Unitarian Society of Westchester New York:
"In recent years the term has come to refer to a culture, or a social narrative that places the needs, desires, stories, well-being, and the very lives of white people over and above those of people of color."

I guess that means that UUA Moderator Jim Key aka *Certified* Risk Management Consultant James "See No Evil" Key is the very model of a modern White Supremacist U*U in that, by brazenly lying* about UU clergy sexual abuse of children in the utterly worthless "official apology" for UU clergy sexual misconduct that he inappropriately inserted into his first Moderator's Report to a UUA GA in 2014, Jim Key created a deceitful aka mendacious aka perfidious "social narrative" that placed the needs, desires, stories, well-being, and the very lives of Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell and other white Unitarian Universalists over and above those of the vulnerable teenage Tibetan refugees aka "people of color" that Rev. Mack Mitchell was charged, tried, and convicted of forcibly raping, and otherwise sexually abusing.

See : http://emersonavenger.blogspot.ca/.../uua-moderator-jim...

* i.e. by falsely aka UNtruthfully aka deceitfully asserting that "There were NO incidents of abuse of children or elders in my investigations.
