Unitarian Universalist Self-Forgiveness Sucks

Just saying. . .

In this little meme of mine, which plagU*Urizes the words of this "Litany of Atonement" of an apparently quite conscienceless UUA Board Trustee Rev. Rob Eller-Isaacs who, like ALL other UUA Board Trustees, is totally complicit in the Unitarian Universalist Association's immoral, UNethical, borderline criminal, and yes. . . #BatShitCrazy attempted misuse of Canada's blasphemy law in UUA clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying that was, and still IS. . . intended to intimidate Yours Truly into deleting aka "memory holing" The Emerson Avenger blog posts that tell the readily verifiable Truth about "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers", to say nothing of certain Unitarian Universalist Sunday school teachers aka UUA Religious Educators, and a "less than perfect" U*U lay person by the name of Richard Buell of Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein's former stomping grounds, First Parish Norwell Unitarian Universalist "Church". . .
