God Knows What Sue Montgomery's Grandfather Did To Her And God Also Knows Everything About Her Complicity In Unitarian Universalist Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial. . .

In this CBC News The National television interview from December 5 2014, Montreal Unitarian clergy abuse cover-up enabler Sue Montgomery says that, before he died, she confronted her alleged pedophile grandfather and told him:

"God knows what you did. And you'll just rot in hell."

I find this interesting on several levels. I get the distinct impression that, like most Unitarian Universalists, and certainly like the vast majority of Montreal Unitarians. . . Sue Montgomery does not actually believe in God, and thus she does that genuinely believe that God knows what her grandfather did, or that God sent her grandfather to Hell.

If so. . .

Sue Montgomery just told an "expedient lie" to her grandfather to torment him when she said, "God knows what you did. And you'll just rot in hell."

If not. . .

*If* Montreal Unitarian Sue Montgomery genuinely believes that God really does know what her grandfather did. Why does she not consistently believe that God also knows what she has said and done, or indeed what she has obstinately refused to say and do. . . in her deeply misguided efforts to help the Unitarian Universalist "church" keep its clergy abuse problem concealed from the public for well over a decade now?

As I Tweeted in response to this CBC The National Tweet, God does in fact know that, in her capacity as The Gazette's "Justice Reporter", Montreal Unitarian U*U Sue Montgomery the quite newsworthy story that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) had falsely accused me of the archaic criminal act of blasphemous libel in UUA clergy sex abuse cover-up legal bullying intended to intimidate Yours Truly into "memory holing" The Emerson Avenger blog posts about "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" if I may quote two choice phrases of the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Solicitors defamation lawyer Maitre Marc-André Coulombe.

God knows every detail of Sue Montgomery's two decades worth of complicity in, and even knowing and willful participation in. . . Unitarian Universalist "church" efforts to cover-up, minimize, and even outright deny, U*U clergy sexual abuse which includes pedophilia aka child sex abuse committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers" such as Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell, as well as certain UUA Religious Educators such as Steven Craig Bulleit. God is fully aware of Sue Montgomery's cynical, and outrageously hypocritical, abusive misuse of Canada's criminal harassment law in a stunningly foolish malicious prosecution that was-is quite evidently intended to not only suppress my ability to ask her "tough questions" at city council meetings, but also to suppress my peaceful public protest against U*U clergy abuse etc. outside the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal. God knows every detail about *this* quite literally "hands on" participation in Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover up efforts that took place on Sunday March 18, 2018. Eventually Montreal Unitarian clergy abuse cover-up and denial enabler Sue Montgomery will have to answer to God for her past, and indeed ongoing. . . participation in Unitarian Universalist clergy abuse cover-up efforts.
