Unitarian Universalist Seminary Students Are Tired AND Hurting
But don't take *my* word for it U*Us, take the word of prospective Unitarian Universalist minister aka U*U seminary student Roddy Biggs, as posted to his Facebook page.
Here's my comment responding to Roddy Biggs' post, with some typos corrected and extra links added:
Current UUA leaders aren't even talking about CHANGE regarding this comparatively recent UUA clergy sex abuse cover-up and denial, and they're certainly NOT doing the work required to responsibly correct these "mistakes" in alignment with #UUprinciples.
It's truly long past time for the Unitarian Universalist Association to #TellTheTruth about #ChildSexualAbuse committed by #UUAclergy and #UUA Religious Educators etc., and publicly apologize for decades worth of highly UNethical UUA #ClergySexAbuse cover-up and denial that makes a #TOTALmockery of #UUism's #7Principles.