Unitarian Universalist Atonement For U*U Injustices, Abuses, And Hypocrisy Sucks. . .

And that's when Unitarian Universalists actually make some lame insincere attempt to atone for UU injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy. More often than not. . . hypocritical Unitarian Universalists obstinately refuse to responsibly atone for UU injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy, and make matters significantly worse than they were to begin with by retaliating against those people who dare to demand that Unitarian Universalists must actually live up to Unitarian Universalism's 2nd Principle, which calls upon Unitarian Universalists to "affirm and promote" justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

I find it to be an interesting "coincidence" that the Unitarian Universalist Association's "Church" of the Larger Fellowship posted about atonement on the CLFUU's 'Daily Compass' blog today, just two days after I sent an "electronic communication" aka email to the UUA's Canadian attorney, Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Bullshitters defamation lawyer Maître Marc-André Coulombe, and top level UUA leadership such as UUA President Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, UUA Executive *Vice* President Carey McDonald, UUA Co-Moderators Rev. Meg A. Riley and Charles Du Mond, reminding them that I am still waiting for the Unitarian Universalist Association to engage in some atonement for UU injustices, abuses, and hypocrisy by publicly apologizing for falsely accusing me of the archaic criminal act of blasphemous libel for blogging about "such despicable crimes as pedophilia and rape" most certainly committed by "certain Unitarian Universalist ministers". . .

The CLFUU's Daily Compass blog post says:

The practice of atonement means understanding what you did to harm others and seeking to make amends for that harm. It requires self-knowledge as well as attention to relationship.

What do you need to apologize for?

How can you make amends for harm that you’ve done today?

Many individual Unitarian Universalists, as well as the Unitarian "Church" of Montreal and the Unitarian Universalist Association as institutions, need to apologize for quite a number of harmful words and actions that they are guilty of, and not just to me. . . but instead of properly and publicly apologizing for the injustices, abuses and hypocrisies that they are clearly and unequivocally guilty of, and responsibly making amends for harm that they have done in a timely manner, outrageously hypocritical U*Us not only obstinately refuse to sincerely and adequately apologize, and otherwise make amends, but they continue to say and do things that only serve to make escalate conflict and matters significantly worse than they were in earlier stages of conflict.

I have VERY reasonable grounds to believe that Stikeman Elliott Barristers & Bullshitters defamation lawyer Maître Marc-André Coulombe not only received and opened the "electronic communication" that I sent to him on Monday, to say nothing of the "electronic communication" that I sent him last month on Friday The 13th. I will be following up on these communications in the coming days and weeks, but the fact of the matter is that the Unitarian Universalist Association needs to apologize for multiple injustices, abuses, and hypocrisies that not only affect me personally, but affect numerous other people of inherent worth and dignity, indeed the Unitarian Universalist Association needs to apologize to ALL Unitarian Universalists for the harm that it has caused to the Unitarian Universalist "religion" via its own harmful words and actions, and indeed its harmful complicit silence and inaction aka negligence. . .

