Oaklandon Unitarian Universalist Church And UUA Child Sex Abuse Cover-Up And Denial - What's The Connection?

How about the fact that the Oaklandon Unitarian Universalist Church of Indianapolis, Indiana, is numbered among of the hundreds of Unitarian Universalist churches that have been affected by clergy sexual misconduct of one kind or another, but you would never know it from the official "history" the Oaklandon Unitarian Universalist Church which, while acknowledging that "the history of this congregation is one that is filled with tragedy and set-backs, including two fires", makes no mention whatsoever of the tragic "set-back" that its "less than perfect" former minister, Rev. William Alexander "Sandy" McEachern, was charged, tried, and convicted of the sexual molestation of at least one preteen girl?

Not to mention the fact that "corpse cold" Unitarian Universalist UUA Moderator Jim Key told thousands of Unitarian Universalists that "there were no incidents of abuse of children (or elders)" in his "investigations" of Unitarian Universalist clergy sexual misconduct in what was purportedly an "official apology for clergy sexual misconduct" that was inappropriately inserted into the middle of Jim Key's first Moderator's Report to a UUA GA in 2014?

I have known about this case of child sex abuse committed by a Unitarian Universalist minister for over a decade, even years before I had this phone conversation with UUA Moderator Jim Key in which I told him about the Rev. Mack Wallace Mitchell case, but I kept this particular case of child sex abuse committed by a UUA minister under my hat for various reasons. I have decided to blog about Rev. William Alexander "Sandy" McEachern's molestation of preteen girls now, because the UUA finally got around to publishing a list of UUA ministers who have been removed or resigned from fellowship in the Unitarian Universalist Association's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee in November last year that includes Rev. William Alexander "Sandy" McEachern name in that list.

There is not a great deal of information about
Rev. William Alexander "Sandy" McEachern's criminal conviction for the sexual molestation of preteen girls available on the internet, but this ruling of the Court of Appeals of Indiana, Fourth District provides a some detailed information.

Rev. William Alexander "Sandy" McEachern is not named in this Indianapolis Monthly magazine article titled 'Do The Right Thing', nor is the Oaklandon Unitarian Universalist Church, but it is very clear from the circumstantial evidence in this January 2002 article that it is about this case of child molestation, and how the Unitarian Universalist minister who chose to do the right thing by reporting Rev. McEachern's alleged molestation of preteen girls to the police was shunned and ostracized by Unitarian Universalists for years, if not decades. . . for doing the right thing.
