Beloved Unitarian*Universalist Ministers Are BU*UMs
So, if I read this East Shore Unitarian Church Facebook post dated May 13, 2022, correctly, the Reverend Doctor Stephen H. Furrer is a Beloved Unitarian*Universalist Minister aka BU*UM, and is thus numbered among BU*UMs. . .
It should be noted that Bad Unitarian*Universalist Ministers are BU*UMs too, as are Base Unitarian*Universalist Ministers. . .
So. . . if I am to believe the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and various other Unitarian*Universalist sources, including the current leadership of East Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, the Reverend Doctor Stephen H. Furrer is a BU*UM numbered among hundreds of other BU*UMs who are guilty of clergy misconduct of one kind or another, or otherwise bad or base Unitarian*Universalist ministers, such as those Complicit U*U Clerics aka CU*UCs who participate in Unitarian*Universalist clergy misconduct cover-up and denial in one way or another. . .
There are hundreds of *that* kind of BU*UM among Unitarian*Universalist ministers, including former UUA President Bill Sinkford aka Rev. Dr. William 'Gee I Forgot About Rev. Mack Mitchell' Sinkford.