UUA Ministers Removed Or Resigned From Fellowship With Completed or Pending Misconduct Investigations And Onging Unitarian Universalist Clergy Sexual Misconduct Cover-Up Efforts - What's The Connection?
This morning I had yet another look at the UUA's web page that provides its official list of 'UUA Clergy Removed or Resigned from Fellowship with Completed or Pending Misconduct Investigations' to engage in a free and responsible search for whether or not the name of Rev. David Gregory Kohlmeier aka Rev. David Miller Kohlmeier had been more than a little bit belatedly added to this official UUA list of Misconducting Unitarian*Universalist Ministers aka MU*UMs since the UUA's very aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee quite belatedly voted to remove the Rev. David Kohlmeier from fellowship for egregious violation of the MFC’s rules and UUMA Guidelines, as well as fundamental Unitarian Universalist values, with the possible exception of the apparent fundamental Unitarian*Universalist value that Unitarian*Universalist pedophiles and rapists are held to be sacred and holy by The Tiny Declining Fringe Religion™ aka Unitarian*Universalism, at least when pedophile*rapist U*Us happen to be Unitarian*Universalist ministers.
Needless to say, I was not the least bit surprised to discover that almost 2.5 years since his arrest on Sept. 16, 2022 for felony Contact with a Minor—Sexual Offense, Attempted Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse, Attempted Statutory Sexual Assault, Attempted Aggravated Indecent Assault and Criminal Use of a Communications Facility as well as related misdemeanor charges, almost a year since he pleaded guilty to a felony charge of attempted involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child under 16, and almost 4 months since he was sentenced in Montgomery County Court to 11½ to 23 months in the county jail for attempted involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child under 16, the name of Rev. David Gregory Kohlmeier aka Rev. David Miller Kohlmeier has yet to be added to that UUA-MFC list, which is ostensibly intended to publicly identify Unitarian Universalist ministers who have been removed from Fellowship because they are UNfit to serve under the ethical standards the UUA pretends to expect from UU ministers, in the claimed interest of accountability and the safety of the UU congregations and communities the UUA ostensibly serves.
If you're wondering why Rev. David Kohlmeier's name has yet to be added to the UUA's official list of UUA Clergy Removed or Resigned from Fellowship with Completed or Pending Misconduct Investigations since he was quite belatedly removed from fellowship aka defellowshipped aka disfellowshipped over four months ago in the fall of 2024, I can only suggest that you contact the UUA's ever so aptly named Ministerial *Fellowship* Committee at mfc@uua.org for more information about that apparent ongoing concealment of Rev. David Kohlmeier's egregious violations of the MFC’s rules and UUMA Guidelines, as well as fundamental Unitarian Universalist values.