Problematic Unitarian Universalist Quotes Are PUUQ. . .
In a brand spanking new Yet Another Unitarian*Universalist blog post titled 'Quotes for the Wayside Pulpit' Rev. Daniel Harper writes -
When we installed a Wayside Pulpit outside the meetinghouse of First Parish in Cohasset, Mass., I started looking for some more (and more recent) quotations to add to the ones I found in the UUA website. I quickly discovered that the web is inundated with spurious quotes, and quotes with inaccurate attributions. Then I noticed that some of the quotes provided by the UUA had problems. . .
Rev. Harper then goes on to provide some examples of Wayside Pulpit quotes that have problems of one kind or another but, needless to say. . . The Emerson Avenger has a considerably broader, and somewhat different, perspective on quotes provided by the UUA that have problems of one kind or another, especially when those problematic Unitarian Universalist quotes misleadingly if not mendaciously minimize Unitarian clergy misconduct in general, or minimize, 'sanitize', and even shamelessly deny child sex abuse committed by pedophile*rapist UUA clergy.
The Emerson Avenger also could not FAIL to notice that the Big Fat U*U Acronym for Problematic Unitarian Universalist Quotes is PUUQ, and U*Us know how TEA enjoys poking fun at Big Fat U*U Acronyms. . .
Rev. Daniel Harper kindly provided The Emerson Avenger with a photograph of the Wayside Pulpit quote he posted outside First Parish in Cohasset that provides plenty of White U*U space around this quite useful Wayside Pulpit quote for The Emerson Avenger to engage in some writing on the wall as it were. . .
Yes U*Us, Big Fat U*U Mistakes are a Big Fat U*U Fact of life in the so-called U*U World aka The U*U Movement, but it is The Emerson Avenger's responses to those multiple, and quite frankly shameful. . . Big Fat U*U Errors that count in the Big Fat U*U End.
Here's a small sampling of Problematic Unitarian Universalist Quotes provided by the UUA as an institution, top-level UUA leadership such as former UUA President Rev. Dr. Peter Morales and former UUA Moderator Jim Key and the UUA Board of Trustees, and prominent UUA clergy such as former UUA President Rev. Dr. Bill Sinkford, that I consider to be PUUQ.
There's a LOT more PUUQ where this small 'tip of the iceberg' sampling of PUUQ comes from, so U*Us can rest assured that The Emerson Avenger will be putting First Parish in Cohasset's Wayside Pulpit to good use in future blog posts about Problematic Unitarian Universalist Quotes aka PUUQ.