Anonymous U*U's Latest DIM Thinking U*U BS Rant Is Hereby "Completely Thrashed". . .

On his 'Heresioliogy' blog Indrax rather *too* optimistically proclaims that I was "completely thrashed" by this recent post by Anonymous U*U to the comment section of my post about Rev. Ray Drennan's own public rant in a Montreal Gazette Op/Ed article that intolerantly, and rather offensively. . . "completely thrashed" former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau's Roman Catholic state funeral. While I certainly agree that Anonymous U*U engaged in some verbal thrashing about in his or her most recent rant about me the fact of the matter is that his or her verbal thrashing about was all but completely ineffectual, as my point-by-point rebuttal of Anonymous U*U's DIM Thinking rant clearly demonstrates. Herewith, for everyone's further education and enlightenment is my point-by-point response to Indrax's recent blog post -

:Robin Edgar just got completely thrashed.

Correction Anonymous U*U *attempted* to completely thrash me but his or her thrashing was in vain as may be seen in my point-by-point rebuttal of his or her "spectacular" example of DIM Thinking U*U BS that may be read here. . .

:Some anonymous UCM member let him have it.

Some Anonymous UCM member spouted a lot of U*U BS that is not supported by the readily verifiable facts and documentation.

:There is much useful information, most of it makes my job harder.

Actually Anonymous U*U's rant contains much misinformation and disinformation that quite regrettably makes everyone's job harder. . . It is however very useful to me as it serves to illustrate the kind of DIM Thinking institutional denial that Anonymous U*U, and rather too many other U*Us. . . have engaged in throughout this conflict.

The fact that CC had not heard about the alleged "chair throwing incident" should tell U*Us something. . . The fact that Anonymous U*U's recent rant is, so far, the first and only time that this alleged "chair throwing incident" has ever been mentioned and the fact that, in spite of my public challenge to U*Us to do so no U*U has provided the slightest corroborating testimony or evidence about this alleged incident, should make it clear to U*Us that the alleged "chair throwing incident" never happened or, if it did, I was not in any way involved in it.

There's a little mission for you Indrax. I suggest that you inquire with the Unitarian Church of Montreal about this alleged "chair throwing incident" and share your findings with us so that we may further discuss Anonymous U*U's demonizing allegations about me. . . Write an email to the Board of the UCM asking them to provide information about this alleged "chair throwing incident" that Anonymous U*U has failed to substantiate inspite of my public challenge to do so.


indrax said…
I responded there, but I'll also note that, true to form, You did NOT respond to the part of the post that I consider most significant, human, and even revelatory.
Robin Edgar said…
And what might that be Indrax?
indrax said…
Read it, it's the only part you didn't respond to. It's not that hard to figure out.

This is a four line post we're talking about.