Is "Evangelical" U*U Minister Rev. Scott Wells A Whiner?

Over on his 'Boy In The Bands' blog, in a post rather dubiously titled 'Unitarian Universalism is a Christian religion' self-described "Evangelical Universalist" U*U minister Rev. Scott Wells is apparently "whining" about the fact that Unitarian and Universalist Christians just can't seem to get any respect within the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as Unitarian*Universalism these days.

Rev. Scott Wells gloomily whines -

"I’m hacked off that it’s acceptable to verbally minimize the import of Unitarian and Universalist Christians and not expect pushback."

Woo hoo! After years of stunningly DIM Thinking Denial, Ignorance and Minimization of the anti-Christian, and more broadly anti-religious, intolerance and bigotry that pervades and degrades Unitarian*Universalism aka U*Uism, Rev. Scott Wells is finally "hacked off" about it, and seemingly wants to engage in some "pushback". Enjoy the ride Scott. It might be a bumpy one. . .

Needless to say I'm still just a tad "hacked off" that it’s quite evidently perfectly acceptable to the Unitarian*Universalist Association of Congregations, its ever so aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and rather too many individual U*Us (including Rev. Scott Wells himself) for intolerant and abusive fundamentalist atheist "Humanist" U*Us, including bigoted "Humanist" U*U clergy such as Rev. Ray Drennan, to verbally belittle and malign, insult, abuse, and outright defame Unitarian*Universalist theists of all kinds. Not just Unitarian and Universalist Christians such as those ever so "Christian" U*Us Rev. Scott Wells and Rev. Victoria Weinstein. . .

I have been providing more than my fair share of highly justified "pushback" to these and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy for well over a decade now, which is more than can be said about you and other DIM Thinking U*Us isn't it Scott? What was it that "Humanist" U*U minister Rev. Brian Kopke of the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa once said to lamely attempt to cover his exposed U*U when I confronted him about the fact that he and two other DIM Thinking Canadian U*U ministers had abjectly failed, if not obstinately refused. . . to responsibly act upon my serious grievances about Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and his related abusive clergy misconduct when they conducted his first "peer review"?

Oh ya. . .

"Nobody did anything."

What was it that Edmund Burke once supposedly said about evil Rev. Wells? Not that it really matters all that much who actually said it. . . Wasn't it, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" or something like that Scott? Of course you and other "good U*Us", to say nothing of "Christian" U*Us. . . didn't just do nothing did you? No, not at all, you and other DIM Thinking U*Us sought to discredit me and Deny, Ignore and Minimize the reality of the U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy that I was exposing and denouncing. Indeed I seem to recall you calling me a "whiner", besides casting aspersions on my sanity. . . But now, years later. . . you seem to be doing a bit of "whining" yourself aren't you Rev. Wells? Oh well. . . At least you have finally "seen the light" as it were.

Or perhaps I should say that you are finally beginning to perceive the "darkness" of those very U*U evils that you have Denied, Ignored and Minimized since you first expressed your disdain and outright contempt for me when I peacefully protested against U*U anti-Christian intolerance and bigotry and other U*U injustices, abuses and hypocrisy at the 2002 UUA GA in Quebec City.

N'est-ce pas Scott?
