Throwing Some U*U "Fish" Back At Rev. Clyde Grubbs. . .

Sort of like fishing in a stocked pond

I have it on good authority, to say nothing of direct personal experience. . . that the UUA, its ever so aptly named Ministerial Fellowship Committee, and possibly even the UUMA, throw U*U ministers rightly accused of clergy misconduct of various kinds, including clergy sexual misconduct. . . right back into the scummy pond of the U*U World after they have been caught. To keep this comment even more "on topic" I have heard that a certain unmentionable U*U minister who was once justifiably accused of clergy sexual misconduct was thrown back into the U*U "pond" and was eventually elected as the President of the UUA.

Am I wrong Rev. Grubbs?

Thanks for all the fish anyway. . .
