Justice Denied Is Justice Betrayed. . .

Is a bon mot aka epigram aka saying that I just came up with minutes ago as a result of contemplating U*U perversion of justice that denies justice. . .

An appropriate Google search proves that my bon mot is an original, although the same Google search shows that someone at the New York Daily News did come up with a headline reading - Justice betrayed is justice denied - back in 2002. That however is pretty much the only use of the reversed version of the bon mot that I thought up tonight. I prefer my version and believe that it makes a bit more sense, although the reversed version rhymes better with "Justice delayed is justice denied." Of course U*Us manage to delay justice, deny justice and even outright betray justice to say nothing of actively pervert justice. Needless to say, U*Us also directly perpetrate and indirectly perpetuate a variety of injustices. . .
