Former U.S. President Bill Clinton aka William Jefferson Clinton Is Number One In Google For This Particular Google Search. . .

But the Open Letter About Clergy Sexual Misconduct posted by the Denominational Affairs Committee of the Nashville Unitarian Universalist Church *and* The Emerson Avenger blog post about that Open Letter About Clergy Sexual Misconduct are currently ranked second, third and fifth in the Google search results for a search on -

presidential sexual misconduct

I guess U*Us that can thank the UUA's *own* President Bill for that unfortunate situation because if UUA President Bill Sinkford, who is suspected by some U*Us (including U*U clergy) of having committed clergy sexual misconduct himself. . . had responsibly taken measures to live up to the now quite evidently empty promise of the UUA's official apology to victims of U*U clergy sexual misconduct during the eight year span of his term as President of the UUA that Open Letter publicly sharing the concerns of Nashville Unitarian Universalists might never have been written and posted to the internet for Google to index and share with the interconnected and interdependent web of the real world. . . What a wonderful legacy for UUA President William G. Sinkford to leave for Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman or Rev. Peter Morales. No U*Us?

* To be fair, aka just and equitable, it is my understanding that Rev. Bill Sinkford's *alleged* clergy sexual misconduct, at least that particular *alleged* clergy sexual misconduct which several different U*U sources have spoken about with me, would have occurred before he was actually elected as President of the UUA and thus it cannot be construed as "presidential sexual misconduct".
