The U*U Movement Sounds Like Something Inspired By A Laxative. . .
But don't take my word for it all U members of *The* U*U Movement U*U World-wide, take Rev. StinkyVestments*' word for it, as posted in a comment to Bill Barr's post titled 'Unitarian Universalism as a Movement' on his Pfarrer Streccius blog.
For the record here are the (im)pertinent comments that I posted in response to that particular log post -
Well top level U*Us do quite regularly speak about "the U*U movement" as evidenced by this big fat U*U PDF file. Maybe you should enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of the U*U movement by asking them what they mean when they speak of "the U*U movement" Joel. In any case who is to say that the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as "the U*U movement" won't eventually fail in its rather less than clearly defined "mission" and fade away with its members burned out, or just plain bummed out, over the next several decades?
The rather *too* Eclectic Cleric's comment was not posted when I began writing my reply to Joel's comment. I must say however that his parting shot "it does sound like something inspired by a laxative...." most serendipitously complements *my* comment.
What was CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett thinking when she so U*Unilaterally decided to insert famous U*U Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" between the twin cheeks of what *was* the UU movement in order to symbolize the alleged inclusiveness of what is now known U*U World-wide as the U*U movement? :-)

* aka *The* Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen aka The Rather *Too* Eclectic Cleric
For the record here are the (im)pertinent comments that I posted in response to that particular log post -
Well top level U*Us do quite regularly speak about "the U*U movement" as evidenced by this big fat U*U PDF file. Maybe you should enter into a free and responsible search for the truth and meaning of the U*U movement by asking them what they mean when they speak of "the U*U movement" Joel. In any case who is to say that the "tiny, declining, fringe religion" known as "the U*U movement" won't eventually fail in its rather less than clearly defined "mission" and fade away with its members burned out, or just plain bummed out, over the next several decades?
The rather *too* Eclectic Cleric's comment was not posted when I began writing my reply to Joel's comment. I must say however that his parting shot "it does sound like something inspired by a laxative...." most serendipitously complements *my* comment.
What was CUC Executive Director Mary Bennett thinking when she so U*Unilaterally decided to insert famous U*U Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "picture of an asshole" between the twin cheeks of what *was* the UU movement in order to symbolize the alleged inclusiveness of what is now known U*U World-wide as the U*U movement? :-)

* aka *The* Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen aka The Rather *Too* Eclectic Cleric
Why is there silence in the UU world about this?