Please Remove Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s Picture Of An Asshole From Your Big Fat U*U Corporate Identity — EPIC FAIL Week #280 Or So. . .

This blog's for U*U Mary Bennett*!

This blog *post* is inspired by a yet another Unitarian*Universalist blog post entitled 'Kindly Remove Your Head from Your Anus — EPIC FAIL Week #28' by U*U blogger Miss Kitty, who is not to be confU*Used with U*U blogger Ms. Kitty aka Rev. Kit Ketchum although I did exactly that for a short while when I first saw this "in your face" blog post title on Aaron Sawyer's Discover U*U blog earlier today. . . For a few seconds there I *really* thought that Ms. Kitty might be taking a cue from, if not being passed the Statue of Liberty's torch by. . . her "less than polite", to say nothing of her notoriously "less than excellent". . . professional colleague in U*U ministry Rev. Victoria Weinstein aka Peacebang.

Here is the comment that I just submitted to the 'Kindly Remove Your Head from Your Anus' post of Miss Kitty's "moderated" 'Educated & Poor' blog. It will be interesting to see if Miss Kitty allows it to see the light of day don't U*U think?

Kindly Remove U*Ur Head from U*Ur AnU*Us — EPIC FAIL


Kindly remove famous U*U Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s picture of an asshole from your less than brand-spanking new U*U "corporate identity". . .


end quote

* i.e. *The* "resigned" Executive Director of the Canadian Unitarian Council aka CUC "both/and/or/or reversed" the Canadian Unitarian*Universalist Council aka CU*UC. . .
