UUA Moderator Gini Courter Might Be Well Advised To Start Stocking Up On Lots Of Tomato Juice. . .

According to this somewhat dated interview with now less than brand-spanking new UUA Moderator Gini Courter, Gini has two cats named Data and Sherman, and an "unintentional pet". . .

The skunk living in the woodshed.

Gini Courter is on public record as saying -

"Part of my life focus is keeping the intentional and the unintentional pets separate. . .

When I'm unsuccessful, I shop for large cans of tomato juice."

UUA Moderator Gini Courter might be very well advised to start stocking up on large cans of tomato juice, because some other "less than excellent" intentional pets of the UUA are quite likely to get into a pissing match with *this* skunk in the next little while if she and other UUA leaders continue to abjectly fail, or indeed obstinately refuse. . . to *demonstrably* stand on the side of love for *ALL* victims of U*U clergy misconduct, clergy sexual misconduct or otherwise, between now and the 2009 UUA GA in Salt Lake City.
