U.S. President Barack Obama Has Said "I Screwed Up" Several Times Since Being Inaugurated As President Of The U.S.A. Just Two Weeks Ago. . .

I look forward to the day when outgoing* UUA President Bill Sinkford acknowledges that he and other UUA leaders, including his "less than excellent" predecessor as UUA President Rev. Dr. John A. Buehrens, "screwed up" in their negligent and effectively, if not knowingly and willfully. . . complicit responses to my legitimate grievances arising from Rev. Ray Drennan's anti-religious intolerance and bigotry and other "obviously deep concerns" about diverse U*U injustices and abuses that I brought to his attention over the term of his presidency of the UUA. But I am not holding my breath that UUA President Bill Sinkford will actually ever get around to saying, "I screwed up" in light of the glaring lack of personal integrity that he has already repeatedly displayed over the last "less than lucky" seven years or so. . .

* "outgoing" in the sense of going out the proverbial door. . .

i.e. retiring or withdrawing from a place or position, as in "the outgoing president". . .

UUA President Bill Sinkford has been the complete antithesis of "outgoing" in the sense of being -

"Sociable and responsive to others; friendly: a warm, outgoing personality."
