Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen aka The Klepto Cleric Strikes Again!
Here is the follow-up comment responding to yet another insulting and defamatory Unitarian*Univeralist tirade against me courtesy of *the* Reverend Doctor Timothy W. Jensen that I just submitted to Rev. James Ford's 'Monkey Mind' blog post titled 'On Deleting Blog Entries'
Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen's grandmother is no doubt spinning in her grave.
James, since you have chosen the fate of publishing Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's insulting and defamatory tirade against me to your moderated blog, rather than suppress it, I hope that you will live up to the U*U principle calling for justice and *equity* in human relations by allowing me to post my rebuttal of what I sometimes less than politely refer to as U*U BS. For the record I hereby thank you for publishing Rev. Tim Jensen's insulting personal attack on me rather than suppressing it. I much prefer these things to be out in the open where they can be seen and/or heard and then appropriately dealt with, rather than being hidden from public knowledge in a malicious whispering campaign behind my back. Personally I think that Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen is just a tad crazy himself to publicly suggest that I am insane in a thread wherein I speak about U*U ministers needing to be held accountable for abusing their freedom of the pulpit by launching insulting and defamatory attacks on people in the so-called U*U blogosphere. . .
I would appreciate it James if you deigned to provide an answer to the question that Rev. Tim Jensen has posed to you here. With any luck it might belatedly bring him to his senses. Why Rev. Jensen so unwisely chooses to disregard his grandmother's good advice is beyond me. . .
:I just found out today that I even rate my own TAG on his site,
Correct. It makes it easier for Emerson Avenger blog readers to find my various blog posts dealing with Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's insulting and defamatory, or otherwise unbecoming and quite unprofessional, online conduct. I also have reasonable grounds to believe that those tags make it easier for people searching for information about Rev. Jensen on the internet to find those TEA blog posts in the first place.
:which includes what I can only take to be a not-particularly-subtle death threat in his post of January 4, 2009.
ROTFLMU*UO! Obviously Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen is referring to this satirical blog post which simply uses a famous line from that "bad cop" Rev. Dr. Harry Callahan aka 'Dirty Harry' to underline the fact that Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen pushed his luck with me just a little *too* far by publicly attacking me on his blog and following up that initial public attack by attacking me again in comments on my blog. The last time I checked Rev. Tim Jensen was very much alive albeit not all that well. . . As should be quite obvious to most sane and rational people, it is in reality Rev. Jensen's rather less than lucky status in a Google search for -
Never get in a pissing match with a skunk
that this blog post refers to. There is not even the subtlest "death threat" against Rev. Jensen involved in it. The quite evident paranoia of rather too many U*U ministers never ceases to amaze me. . .
If I wanted to be charitable I might compassionately attribute Rev. Tim Jensen's "less than excellent ministry" to the medications he is apparently on these days but, most unfortunately, regardless of any potential disorienting effects of his medications there is a pattern of behavior involved here that goes back a while. One that has already been taken note of by the UUA's department of ministry in the past. . . What was it that Rev. John Weston said Tim?
"I believe that the Carlisle leadership is entitled to know, Tim, that we find your public claims against the congregation to be unworthy of our ministry."
I look forward to the day when the UUA's department of ministry responsibly acknowledges that your "snotty and hot-headed" public claims against me, including those made right here. . . are unworthy of U*U ministry. I will be formally asking the UUA to do just that once the "ancien regime" which has negligently and complicitly allowed U*U ministers to insult and defame or otherwise verbally abuse people with complete impunity is no longer ensconced at 25 Beacon Street. Quite regrettably I have no confidence whatsoever that my complaint about Rev. Jensen's well-documented unbecoming conduct would be responsibly handled by the current UUA administration so I will present it to the next one soon after it has been formed.
:My offense? Apparently he thought I should have given him credit for seeing the same image and having a similar (and I imagine quite common) reaction to it as he did.
Actually I had, and still have. . . very reasonable grounds to believe that Rev. Dr. Timothy Jensen may well have plagiarized some of my words and ideas that were posted on my StumbleUpon blog and repeated in a comment on Rev. Christine Robinson's iminister blog. I even have some hard evidence that strongly suggests, if not proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that he did in fact plagiarize my words and ideas from my comment on Rev. Robinson's blog. That however is not the main offense that I subsequently took Rev. Jensen to task for. No, Rev. Jensen's rather worse offense in my view was to launch an offensive public attack on me on his The Eclectic Cleric blog after I had privately and, all things considered, reasonably politely suggested that he might want to give some credit where credit was due since it appeared that he had most probably plagiarized my words and ideas. Rev. Jensen could have responded to my requests and suggestions in any number of other acceptable ways that would have been quite worthy of U*U ministry but it was quite evidently his chosen fate to use "snotty and hot-headed" words, to say nothing of insulting and defamatory language, in his very public personal attack on me. . . Anyone wanting further details about this regrettable matter knows where to find them.
It is not my intention to make this Monkey Mind blog post a battleground so I will leave it at that unless Rev. Ford sees fit to publish more comments about this matter. If Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen wants to discuss this matter further he can post his own blog post about it, or respond to some of my blog posts about it, including the brand-spanking new one that will reproduce what has been said here.
Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen's grandmother is no doubt spinning in her grave.
James, since you have chosen the fate of publishing Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's insulting and defamatory tirade against me to your moderated blog, rather than suppress it, I hope that you will live up to the U*U principle calling for justice and *equity* in human relations by allowing me to post my rebuttal of what I sometimes less than politely refer to as U*U BS. For the record I hereby thank you for publishing Rev. Tim Jensen's insulting personal attack on me rather than suppressing it. I much prefer these things to be out in the open where they can be seen and/or heard and then appropriately dealt with, rather than being hidden from public knowledge in a malicious whispering campaign behind my back. Personally I think that Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen is just a tad crazy himself to publicly suggest that I am insane in a thread wherein I speak about U*U ministers needing to be held accountable for abusing their freedom of the pulpit by launching insulting and defamatory attacks on people in the so-called U*U blogosphere. . .
I would appreciate it James if you deigned to provide an answer to the question that Rev. Tim Jensen has posed to you here. With any luck it might belatedly bring him to his senses. Why Rev. Jensen so unwisely chooses to disregard his grandmother's good advice is beyond me. . .
:I just found out today that I even rate my own TAG on his site,
Correct. It makes it easier for Emerson Avenger blog readers to find my various blog posts dealing with Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen's insulting and defamatory, or otherwise unbecoming and quite unprofessional, online conduct. I also have reasonable grounds to believe that those tags make it easier for people searching for information about Rev. Jensen on the internet to find those TEA blog posts in the first place.
:which includes what I can only take to be a not-particularly-subtle death threat in his post of January 4, 2009.
ROTFLMU*UO! Obviously Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen is referring to this satirical blog post which simply uses a famous line from that "bad cop" Rev. Dr. Harry Callahan aka 'Dirty Harry' to underline the fact that Rev. Dr. Tim Jensen pushed his luck with me just a little *too* far by publicly attacking me on his blog and following up that initial public attack by attacking me again in comments on my blog. The last time I checked Rev. Tim Jensen was very much alive albeit not all that well. . . As should be quite obvious to most sane and rational people, it is in reality Rev. Jensen's rather less than lucky status in a Google search for -
Never get in a pissing match with a skunk
that this blog post refers to. There is not even the subtlest "death threat" against Rev. Jensen involved in it. The quite evident paranoia of rather too many U*U ministers never ceases to amaze me. . .
If I wanted to be charitable I might compassionately attribute Rev. Tim Jensen's "less than excellent ministry" to the medications he is apparently on these days but, most unfortunately, regardless of any potential disorienting effects of his medications there is a pattern of behavior involved here that goes back a while. One that has already been taken note of by the UUA's department of ministry in the past. . . What was it that Rev. John Weston said Tim?
"I believe that the Carlisle leadership is entitled to know, Tim, that we find your public claims against the congregation to be unworthy of our ministry."
I look forward to the day when the UUA's department of ministry responsibly acknowledges that your "snotty and hot-headed" public claims against me, including those made right here. . . are unworthy of U*U ministry. I will be formally asking the UUA to do just that once the "ancien regime" which has negligently and complicitly allowed U*U ministers to insult and defame or otherwise verbally abuse people with complete impunity is no longer ensconced at 25 Beacon Street. Quite regrettably I have no confidence whatsoever that my complaint about Rev. Jensen's well-documented unbecoming conduct would be responsibly handled by the current UUA administration so I will present it to the next one soon after it has been formed.
:My offense? Apparently he thought I should have given him credit for seeing the same image and having a similar (and I imagine quite common) reaction to it as he did.
Actually I had, and still have. . . very reasonable grounds to believe that Rev. Dr. Timothy Jensen may well have plagiarized some of my words and ideas that were posted on my StumbleUpon blog and repeated in a comment on Rev. Christine Robinson's iminister blog. I even have some hard evidence that strongly suggests, if not proves beyond a reasonable doubt, that he did in fact plagiarize my words and ideas from my comment on Rev. Robinson's blog. That however is not the main offense that I subsequently took Rev. Jensen to task for. No, Rev. Jensen's rather worse offense in my view was to launch an offensive public attack on me on his The Eclectic Cleric blog after I had privately and, all things considered, reasonably politely suggested that he might want to give some credit where credit was due since it appeared that he had most probably plagiarized my words and ideas. Rev. Jensen could have responded to my requests and suggestions in any number of other acceptable ways that would have been quite worthy of U*U ministry but it was quite evidently his chosen fate to use "snotty and hot-headed" words, to say nothing of insulting and defamatory language, in his very public personal attack on me. . . Anyone wanting further details about this regrettable matter knows where to find them.
It is not my intention to make this Monkey Mind blog post a battleground so I will leave it at that unless Rev. Ford sees fit to publish more comments about this matter. If Rev. Dr. Timothy W. Jensen wants to discuss this matter further he can post his own blog post about it, or respond to some of my blog posts about it, including the brand-spanking new one that will reproduce what has been said here.
